
Kyungtae Kang

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11EEYongwoo Cho, Kyungtae Kang, Heonshik Shin: Seamless Multimedia Broadcasting Over cdma2000 BCMCS Networks. ICC 2007: 5628-5635
10EEKyungtae Kang, Heonshik Shin, Jinwoo Park: An assessment of maximum interleaving in Reed-Solomon coding for 3G broadcasting. ICCCN 2007: 1244-1249
9EEKyungtae Kang, Yongwoo Cho, Heonshik Shin: Augmenting Reed-Solomon coding with retransmission for error recovery in 3G video broadcasts. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 19(8): 1171-1181 (2007)
8EEJoonho Lee, Kyungtae Kang, Yongwoo Cho, Junu Kim, Heonshik Shin: Efficient Error Recovery for Multimedia Data Transmission over 3G Cellular Broadcast Networks. AINA (1) 2006: 683-688
7EEYongwoo Cho, Kyungtae Kang, Yongjin Cho, Heonshik Shin: Improving MAC-layer Error Recovery for 3G Cellular Broadcasts. AINA (2) 2006: 418-422
6EEKyungtae Kang, Yongwoo Cho, Hosang Park, Heonshik Shin: Adaptive Error Recovery in cdma2000 1xEV-DO Mobile Broadcast Networks. EUC 2006: 1119-1128
5EEKyungtae Kang, Joonho Lee, Yongwoo Cho, Heonshik Shin: Efficient Error Control for Scalable Media Transmission over 3G Broadcast Networks. EUC 2006: 415-425
4EEKyungtae Kang, Yongwoo Cho, Heonshik Shin: Energy-efficient Interleaving for Error Recovery in Broadcast Networks. LCN 2006: 13-19
3EEJunhee Ryu, Kyungtae Kang, Yongwoo Cho, Joonho Lee, Heonshik Shin: Energy Characterization of Reed-Solomon Decoding in 3G Broadcasting. LCN 2006: 819-824
2EEKyungtae Kang, Jinsung Cho, Yongwoo Cho, Heonshik Shin: Dynamic Scheduling for Scalable Media Transmission over cdma2000 1xEV-DO Broadcast and Multicast Networks. NETWORKING 2005: 968-979
1EEYongwoo Cho, Kyungtae Kang, Joonho Lee, Heonshik Shin: Proactive Reed-Solomon Bypasss (PRSB): A Technique for Real-Time Multimedia Processing in 3G Cellular Broadcast Networks. RTCSA 2005: 532-538

Coauthor Index

1Jinsung Cho [2]
2Yongjin Cho [7]
3Yongwoo Cho [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11]
4Junu Kim [8]
5Joonho Lee [1] [3] [5] [8]
6Hosang Park [6]
7Jinwoo Park [10]
8Junhee Ryu [3]
9Heonshik Shin [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)