
Dong Joong Kang

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18EEDong Joong Kang, Sung-Jo Lim, Jong-Eun Ha, Mun-Ho Jeong: A detection cell using multiple points of a rotating triangle to find local planar regions from stereo depth data. Pattern Recognition Letters 30(5): 486-493 (2009)
17EEYoon-Hyung Lee, Mun-Ho Jeong, Jong-Eun Ha, Dong Joong Kang, Bum-Jae You: A Robust Approach Toward Face Tracking. ICIC (3) 2007: 911-919
16EETae-Jung Lho, Dong Joong Kang, Am-suk Oh, Jang-Woo Kwon, Suk-Tae Bae, Kang-Hyuk Lee: An Implementation of the Vectorizing-Based Automatic Nesting Software NST . ICCSA (2) 2006: 309-318
15EEDong Joong Kang, Jong-Eun Ha, Tae-Jung Lho: A Fast Method for Detecting Moving Vehicles Using Plane Constraint of Geometric Invariance. ICCSA (3) 2006: 1163-1171
14EEJong-Eun Ha, Dong Joong Kang: Fast Candidate Generation for Template Matching Using Two 1-D Edge Projections. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2005: 1267-1271
13EEMark Masry, Dong Joong Kang, Hod Lipson: A freehand sketching interface for progressive construction of 3D objects. Computers & Graphics 29(4): 563-575 (2005)
12EEJong-Eun Ha, Dong Joong Kang: Initialization method for self-calibration using 2-views. Pattern Recognition 38(1): 143-150 (2005)
11EEDong Joong Kang, Jong-Eun Ha, In-Mo Ahn: Object Mark Segmentation Algorithm Using Dynamic Programming for Poor Quality Images in Automated Inspection Process. ICCSA (4) 2004: 896-905
10EETae-Jung Lho, Dong Joong Kang, Jong-Eun Ha: A Line-Based Pose Estimation Algorithm for 3-D Polyhedral Object Recognition. ICCSA (4) 2004: 906-914
9EEJong-Eun Ha, Dong Joong Kang: Initialization Method for the Self-Calibration Using Minimal Two Images. ICCSA (4) 2004: 915-923
8EEJong-Eun Ha, Dong Joong Kang, Mun-Ho Jeong: Sequential Robust Direct Motion Estimation with Equal Projective Basis. PCM (1) 2004: 214-221
7EEDong Joong Kang, Jong-Eun Ha, Mun-Ho Jeong: A Polyhedral Object Recognition Algorithm for Augmented Reality. PCM (1) 2004: 402-409
6EEDong Joong Kang, Jong-Eun Ha, In-So Kweon: Fast object recognition using dynamic programming from combination of salient line groups. Pattern Recognition 36(1): 79-90 (2003)
5EEDong Joong Kang, Mun-Ho Jung: Road lane segmentation using dynamic programming for active safety vehicles. Pattern Recognition Letters 24(16): 3177-3185 (2003)
4EEDong Joong Kang, K.-S. Roh: A discontinuity adaptive Markov model for color image smoothing. Image Vision Comput. 19(6): 369-379 (2001)
3EEDong Joong Kang, In-So Kweon: An edge-based algorithm for discontinuity adaptive color image smoothing. Pattern Recognition 34(2): 333-342 (2001)
2EEDong Joong Kang, In-So Kweon: Erratum to: "A fast and stable snake algorithm for medical images" [Pattern Recognition Letters 20 (5) (1999) 507-512]. Pattern Recognition Letters 20(10): 1069 (1999)
1EEDong Joong Kang: A fast and stable snake algorithm for medical images. Pattern Recognition Letters 20(5): 507-512 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1In-Mo Ahn [11]
2Suk-Tae Bae [16]
3Jong-Eun Ha [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [14] [15] [17] [18]
4Mun-Ho Jeong [7] [8] [17] [18]
5Mun-Ho Jung [5]
6In-So Kweon [2] [3] [6]
7Jang-Woo Kwon [16]
8Kang-Hyuk Lee [16]
9Yoon-Hyung Lee [17]
10Tae-Jung Lho [10] [15] [16]
11Sung-Jo Lim [18]
12Hod Lipson [13]
13Mark Masry [13]
14Am-suk Oh [16]
15K.-S. Roh [4]
16Bum-Jae You [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)