
Dae-Ki Kang

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9EEDae-Ki Kang, Kiwook Sohn: Learning decision trees with taxonomy of propositionalized attributes. Pattern Recognition 42(1): 84-92 (2009)
8EEDae-Ki Kang, Adrian Silvescu, Vasant Honavar: RNBL-MN: A Recursive Naive Bayes Learner for Sequence Classification. PAKDD 2006: 45-54
7EEFlavian Vasile, Adrian Silvescu, Dae-Ki Kang, Vasant Honavar: TRIPPER: Rule Learning Using Taxonomies. PAKDD 2006: 55-59
6EEJun Zhang, Dae-Ki Kang, Adrian Silvescu, Vasant Honavar: Learning accurate and concise naïve Bayes classifiers from attribute value taxonomies and data. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 9(2): 157-179 (2006)
5EEDae-Ki Kang, Doug Fuller, Vasant Honavar: Learning Classifiers for Misuse Detection Using a Bag of System Calls Representation. ISI 2005: 511-516
4EEDae-Ki Kang, Jun Zhang, Adrian Silvescu, Vasant Honavar: Multinomial Event Model Based Abstraction for Sequence and Text Classification. SARA 2005: 134-148
3EEDae-Ki Kang, Adrian Silvescu, Jun Zhang, Vasant Honavar: Generation of Attribute Value Taxonomies from Data for Data-Driven Construction of Accurate and Compact Classifiers. ICDM 2004: 130-137
2EEDae-Ki Kang, Joongmin Choi: MetaNews: An Information Agent for Gathering News Articles on the Web. ISMIS 2003: 179-186
1 Dae-Ki Kang, Joong-Bae Kim, Ho-sang Ham: HANMAUM - A Multi-agent Model for Customer, Merchant and Directory Service. WebNet 1997

Coauthor Index

1Joongmin Choi [2]
2Doug Fuller [5]
3Ho-sang Ham [1]
4Vasant Honavar [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
5Joong-Bae Kim [1]
6Adrian Silvescu [3] [4] [6] [7] [8]
7Kiwook Sohn [9]
8Flavian Vasile [7]
9Jun Zhang [3] [4] [6]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)