
Keishi Kandori

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3EETomohisa Akafuji, Kaname Harumoto, Keishi Kandori, Kôiti Hasida, Shinji Shimojo: An Annotation Method and Application for Video Contents Based on a Semantic Graph. PCM (1) 2004: 478-486
2EEJunzo Kamahara, Yuji Nomura, Kazunori Ueda, Keishi Kandori, Shinji Shimojo, Hideo Miyahara: A TV News Recommendation System with Automatic Recomposition. AMCP 1998: 221-235
1 Keishi Kandori: A Workstation-based Multi-media Environment for Broadcast Television. USENIX Summer 1991: 455-473

Coauthor Index

1Tomohisa Akafuji [3]
2Kaname Harumoto [3]
3Kôiti Hasida [3]
4Junzo Kamahara [2]
5Hideo Miyahara [2]
6Yuji Nomura [2]
7Shinji Shimojo [2] [3]
8Kazunori Ueda [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)