
George Kampis

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4EEGeorge Kampis, László Gulyás: Full Body: The Importance of the Phenotype in Evolution. Artificial Life 14(3): 375-386 (2008)
3EEWalter de Back, László Gulyás, George Kampis: Niche Differentiation and Coexistence in a Multi-resource Ecosystem with Competition. ECAL 2007: 143-152
2EEGeorge Kampis, László Gulyás: Emergence out of interaction: Developing evolutionary technology for design innovation. Advanced Engineering Informatics 20(3): 313-320 (2006)
1 George Kampis: The Inside and Outside Views of Life. ECAL 1995: 95-102

Coauthor Index

1Walter de Back [3]
2László Gulyás [2] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)