
Florian Kammüller

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18EEFlorian Kammüller, Henry Sudhof: Composing Safely - A Type System for Aspects. Software Composition 2008: 231-247
17EEFlorian Kammüller, Sören Preibusch: An industrial application of symbolic model checking. Computer Science - Research and Development 22(2): 95-108 (2008)
16EEFlorian Kammüller: Formalizing non-interference for a simple bytecode language in Coq. Formal Asp. Comput. 20(3): 259-275 (2008)
15EESören Preibusch, Florian Kammüller: Checking the TWIN Elevator System by Translating Object-Z to SMV. FMICS 2007: 38-55
14EELudovic Henrio, Florian Kammüller: A Mechanized Model of the Theory of Objects. FMOODS 2007: 190-205
13EESteffen Helke, Florian Kammüller: Structure Preserving Data Abstractions for Statecharts. FORTE 2005: 305-319
12EEFlorian Kammüller, Jeff W. Sanders: Idempotent Relations in Isabelle/HOL. ICTAC 2004: 310-324
11EEFlorian Kammüller, Jeff W. Sanders: Heuristics for Refinement Relations. SEFM 2004: 292-299
10EEMargot Bittner, Florian Kammüller: Translating Fusion/UML to Object-Z. MEMOCODE 2003: 49-50
9EEGraeme Smith, Florian Kammüller, Thomas Santen: Encoding Object-Z in Isabelle/HOL. ZB 2002: 82-99
8 Florian Kammüller: Book Reviews. Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 12(3): 188-189 (2002)
7EESteffen Helke, Florian Kammüller: Representing Hierarchical Automata in Interactive Theorem Provers. TPHOLs 2001: 233-248
6EEJochen Burghardt, Florian Kammüller, Jeff W. Sanders: On the antisymmetry of Galois embeddings. Inf. Process. Lett. 79(2): 57-63 (2001)
5 Florian Kammüller: Modular Reasoning in Isabelle. CADE 2000: 99-114
4EEFlorian Kammüller, Markus Wenzel, Lawrence C. Paulson: Locales - A Sectioning Concept for Isabelle. TPHOLs 1999: 149-166
3 Florian Kammüller, Lawrence C. Paulson: A Formal Proof of Sylow's Theorem. J. Autom. Reasoning 23(3-4): 235-264 (1999)
2EEFlorian Kammüller: Modular Structures as Dependent Types in Isabelle. TYPES 1998: 121-132
1 Thomas Santen, Florian Kammüller, Stefan Jähnichen, Martin Beyer: Formalization of Algebraic Specification in the Development Language DEVA. KORSO Book 1995: 223-238

Coauthor Index

1Martin Beyer [1]
2Margot Bittner [10]
3Jochen Burghardt [6]
4Steffen Helke [7] [13]
5Ludovic Henrio [14]
6Stefan Jähnichen [1]
7Lawrence C. Paulson [3] [4]
8Sören Preibusch [15] [17]
9Jeff W. Sanders [6] [11] [12]
10Thomas Santen [1] [9]
11Graeme Smith [9]
12Henry Sudhof [18]
13Markus Wenzel (Makarius Wenzel) [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)