
Sherif Kamel

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5 J. Roberto Evaristo, David Pauleen, Robert M. Davison, Soon Ang, Sherif Kamel, Macedonio Alanis: Cultural Bias in Information Systems Research and Practice: Are You Coming from the Same Place I Am? ICIS 2005
4 Sherif Kamel: The Software Industry in Egypt. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (V) 2005: 2836-2840
3 Sherif Kamel: Towards an information society in Egypt. IRMA Conference 2000: 594-596
2EESherif Kamel: Building an Information Highway. HICSS (4) 1998: 31-41
1EESherif Kamel: DSS to Support Socio-Economic Development in Egypt. HICSS (3) 1997: 328-336

Coauthor Index

1Macedonio Alanis [5]
2Soon Ang [5]
3Robert M. Davison [5]
4J. Roberto Evaristo [5]
5David Pauleen [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)