
Koji Kamei

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10EETakuya Maekawa, Yutaka Yanagisawa, Yasushi Sakurai, Yasue Kishino, Koji Kamei, Takeshi Okadome: Web page retrieval in ubiquitous sensor environments. SIGIR 2008: 759-760
9EETakuya Maekawa, Yutaka Yanagisawa, Yasue Kishino, Koji Kamei, Yasushi Sakurai, Takeshi Okadome: Object-Blog System for Environment-Generated Content. IEEE Pervasive Computing 7(4): 20-27 (2008)
8EEKoji Kamei, Sen Yoshida, Kazuhiro Kuwabara, Jun-ichi Akahani, Tetsuji Satoh: An Agent Framework for Inter-personal Information Sharing with an RDF-Based Repository. International Semantic Web Conference 2003: 438-452
7EESen Yoshida, Koji Kamei, Takeshi Ohguro, Kazuhiro Kuwabara: Shine: a peer-to-peer based framework of network community support systems. Computer Communications 26(11): 1199-1209 (2003)
6EEKoji Kamei, Kunihiko Fujita, Eva Jettmar, Sen Yoshida, Kazuhiro Kuwabara: Effectiveness of spatial representation in the formation of network communities: experimental study on community organizer. Interacting with Computers 14(6): 739-759 (2002)
5EEKoji Kamei, Eva Jettmar, Kunihiko Fujita, Sen Yoshida, Kazuhiro Kuwabara: Community Organizer: Supporting the Formation of Network Communities through Spatial. SAINT 2001: 207-214
4EEYuko Sakurai, Makoto Yokoo, Koji Kamei: An efficient approximate algorithm for winner determination in combinatorial auctions. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2000: 30-37
3EEYuko Sakurai, Makoto Yokoo, Koji Kamei: An Efficient Approximate Algorithm for Winner Determination in Combinatorial Auctions. CP 2000: 549-553
2EESen Yoshida, Koji Kamei, Takeshi Ohguro, Kazuhiro Kuwabara, Kaname Funakoshi: Building a Network Community Support System on the Multi-agent Platform Shine. PRIMA 2000: 88-100
1 Sen Yoshida, Koji Kamei, Makoto Yokoo, Takeshi Ohguro, Kaname Funakoshi, Fumio Hattori: Visualizing Potential Communities: A Multiagent Approach. ICMAS 1998: 477-478

Coauthor Index

1Jun-ichi Akahani [8]
2Kunihiko Fujita [5] [6]
3Kaname Funakoshi [1] [2]
4Fumio Hattori [1]
5Eva Jettmar [5] [6]
6Yasue Kishino [9] [10]
7Kazuhiro Kuwabara [2] [5] [6] [7] [8]
8Takuya Maekawa [9] [10]
9Takeshi Ohguro [1] [2] [7]
10Takeshi Okadome [9] [10]
11Yasushi Sakurai [9] [10]
12Yuko Sakurai [3] [4]
13Tetsuji Satoh [8]
14Yutaka Yanagisawa [9] [10]
15Makoto Yokoo [1] [3] [4]
16Sen Yoshida [1] [2] [5] [6] [7] [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)