
Subhash Kak

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9EEAbhishek Parakh, Subhash Kak: A Recursive Threshold Visual Cryptography Scheme CoRR abs/0902.2487: (2009)
8EESubhash Kak: Stream Computing CoRR abs/0801.1336: (2008)
7EEYuhua Chen, Subhash Kak, Lei Wang: Hybrid Neural Network Architecture for On-Line Learning CoRR abs/0809.5087: (2008)
6EESubhash Kak: Artificial and Biological Intelligence CoRR abs/cs/0601052: (2006)
5EENavneet Mandhani, Subhash Kak: Watermarking Using Decimal Sequences CoRR abs/cs/0602003: (2006)
4EESubhash Kak: The Cubic Public-Key Transformation CoRR abs/cs/0602097: (2006)
3EEKiranmayi Penumarthi, Subhash Kak: Augmented Watermarking. Cryptologia 30(2): 173-180 (2006)
2EENavneet Mandhani, Subhash Kak: Watermarking Using Decimal Sequences. Cryptologia 29(1): 50-58 (2005)
1EESubhash Kak: New algorithms for training feedforward neural networks. Pattern Recognition Letters 15(3): 295-298 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Yuhua Chen [7]
2Navneet Mandhani [2] [5]
3Abhishek Parakh [9]
4Kiranmayi Penumarthi [3]
5Lei Wang [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)