2009 |
96 | EE | Morris Riedel,
Erwin Laure,
Th. Soddemann,
L. Field,
J. P. Navarro,
James Casey,
Maarten Litmaath,
Jean-Philippe Baud,
Birger Koblitz,
C. Catlett,
D. Skow,
Cindy Zheng,
Philip M. Papadopoulos,
M. Katz,
N. Sharma,
Oxana Smirnova,
B. Kónya,
P. Arzberger,
F. Würthwein,
A. S. Rana,
T. Martin,
M. Wan,
V. Welch,
T. Rimovsky,
S. Newhouse,
A. Vanni,
Yoshio Tanaka,
Yusuke Tanimura,
Tsutomu Ikegami,
David Abramson,
Colin Enticott,
G. Jenkins,
R. Pordes,
N. Sharma,
S. Timm,
N. Sharma,
G. Moont,
M. Aggarwal,
D. Colling,
O. van der Aa,
Alex Sim,
Vijaya Natarajan,
Arie Shoshani,
Junmin Gu,
S. Chen,
G. Galang,
Riccardo Zappi,
Luca Magnoni,
Vincenzo Ciaschini,
M. Pace,
Valerio Venturi,
Moreno Marzolla,
Paolo Andreetto,
B. Cowles,
S. Wang,
Y. Saeki,
H. Sato,
Satoshi Matsuoka,
Putchong Uthayopas,
Somsak Sriprayoonsakul,
O. Koeroo,
Matthew Viljoen,
L. Pearlman,
S. Pickles,
David Wallom,
G. Moloney,
J. Lauret,
J. Marsteller,
P. Sheldon,
S. Pathak,
Shaun De Witt,
J. Mencák,
Jens Jensen,
M. Hodges,
D. Ross,
Sugree Phatanapherom,
Gilbert Netzer,
A. R. Gregersen,
M. Jones,
S. Chen,
Péter Kacsuk,
Achim Streit,
Daniel Mallmann,
Felix Wolf,
Thomas Lippert,
Thierry Delaitre,
E. Huedo,
Neil Geddes:
Interoperation of world-wide production e-Science infrastructures.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 21(8): 961-990 (2009) |
2008 |
95 | EE | Tamás Kiss,
Péter Kacsuk,
Gábor Terstyánszky,
Stephen C. Winter:
Workflow Level Interoperation of Grid Data Resources.
CCGRID 2008: 194-201 |
94 | EE | Dimitris Skouteris,
Alessandro Costantini,
Antonio Laganà,
Gergely Sipos,
Ákos Balaskó,
Péter Kacsuk:
Implementation of the ABC Quantum Mechanical Reactive Scattering Program on the EGEE Grid Platform.
ICCSA (1) 2008: 1108-1120 |
93 | EE | Gabor Kecskemeti,
Péter Kacsuk,
Gábor Terstyánszky,
Tamás Kiss,
Thierry Delaitre:
Automatic Service Deployment Using Virtualisation.
PDP 2008: 628-635 |
92 | EE | Péter Kacsuk,
Attila Kertész,
Tamás Kiss:
Can We Connect Existing Production Grids into a World Wide Grid?.
VECPAR 2008: 109-122 |
91 | EE | Péter Kacsuk,
Gábor Terstyánszky:
Special Section: Grid-enabling legacy applications and supporting end users.
Future Generation Comp. Syst. 24(7): 709-710 (2008) |
90 | EE | Péter Kacsuk,
Tamás Kiss,
Gergely Sipos:
Solving the grid interoperability problem by P-GRADE portal at workflow level.
Future Generation Comp. Syst. 24(7): 744-751 (2008) |
2007 |
89 | EE | Péter Kacsuk,
Zoltan Farkas,
Gergely Sipos,
Gabor Hermann,
Tamás Kiss:
Supporting Workflow-level PS Applications by the P-GRADE Grid portal.
CoreGRID 2007: 253-263 |
88 | EE | Péter Kacsuk,
Zoltan Farkas,
Gabor Hermann:
Workflow-Level Parameter Study Support for Production Grids.
ICCSA (3) 2007: 872-885 |
87 | EE | Zoltán Balaton,
Gabor Gombás,
Péter Kacsuk,
Adam Kornafeld,
József Kovács,
Csaba Attila Marosi,
Gabor Vida,
Norbert Podhorszki,
Tamás Kiss:
SZTAKI Desktop Grid: a Modular and Scalable Way of Building Large Computing Grids.
IPDPS 2007: 1-8 |
86 | EE | Róbert Lovas,
Péter Kacsuk:
Correctness Debugging of Message Passing Programs Using Model Verification Techniques.
PVM/MPI 2007: 335-343 |
2006 |
85 | EE | Luigi Bitonti,
Tamás Kiss,
Gábor Terstyánszky,
Thierry Delaitre,
Stephen C. Winter,
Péter Kacsuk:
Dynamic testing of legacy code resources on the grid.
Conf. Computing Frontiers 2006: 261-268 |
84 | EE | Attila Kertész,
Péter Kacsuk:
Grid Meta-Broker Architecture: Towards an Interoperable Grid Resource Brokering Service.
Euro-Par Workshops 2006: 112-115 |
83 | EE | Attila Kertész,
Gergely Sipos,
Péter Kacsuk:
Brokering Multi-grid Workflows in the P-GRADE Portal.
Euro-Par Workshops 2006: 138-149 |
82 | EE | Gábor Terstyánszky,
Tamás Kiss,
Thierry Delaitre,
Stephen C. Winter,
Péter Kacsuk,
Gabor Kecskemeti:
Service-Oriented Production Grids and User Support.
GRID 2006: 323-324 |
81 | EE | Péter Kacsuk,
Norbert Podhorszki,
Tamás Kiss:
Scalable Desktop Grid System.
VECPAR 2006: 27-38 |
80 | EE | Péter Kacsuk:
Extending the Services and Sites of Production Grids by the Support of Advanced Portals.
VECPAR 2006: 644-655 |
2005 |
79 | EE | Gergely Sipos,
Gareth J. Lewis,
Péter Kacsuk,
Vassil N. Alexandrov:
Workflow-Oriented Collaborative Grid Portals.
EGC 2005: 434-443 |
78 | EE | Ariel Goyeneche,
Tamás Kiss,
Gábor Terstyánszky,
Gabor Kecskemeti,
Thierry Delaitre,
Péter Kacsuk,
Stephen C. Winter:
Experiences with Deploying Legacy Code Applications as Grid Services Using GEMLCA, .
EGC 2005: 851-860 |
77 | EE | Tamás Kiss,
Gábor Terstyánszky,
Gabor Kecskemeti,
S. Illes,
T. Delaittre,
Stephen C. Winter,
Péter Kacsuk,
Gergely Sipos:
Legacy code support for production grids.
GRID 2005: 278-283 |
76 | EE | Gergely Sipos,
Péter Kacsuk:
Classification and Implementations of Workflow-Oriented Grid Portals.
HPCC 2005: 684-693 |
75 | EE | Gareth J. Lewis,
Gergely Sipos,
Florian Urmetzer,
Vassil N. Alexandrov,
Péter Kacsuk:
The Collaborative P-GRADE Grid Portal.
International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2005: 367-374 |
74 | | Róbert Lovas,
J. Patvarczki,
Péter Kacsuk,
István Lagzi,
Tamás Turányi,
L. Kullman,
László Haszpra,
Róbert Mészáros,
A. Horányi,
Ákos Bencsura,
György Lendvay:
Air Pollution Forecast on the HUNGRID Infrastructure.
PARCO 2005: 121-128 |
73 | EE | Gábor Terstyánszky,
Thierry Delaitre,
Ariel Goyeneche,
Tamás Kiss,
Kreeteeraj Sajadah,
Stephen C. Winter,
Péter Kacsuk:
Security Mechanisms for Legacy Code Applications in GT3 Environment.
PDP 2005: 220-226 |
72 | EE | Thierry Delaitre,
Tamás Kiss,
Ariel Goyeneche,
Gábor Terstyánszky,
Stephen C. Winter,
Péter Kacsuk:
GEMLCA: Running Legacy Code Applications as Grid Services.
J. Grid Comput. 3(1-2): 75-90 (2005) |
71 | EE | Péter Kacsuk,
Gergely Sipos:
Multi-Grid, Multi-User Workflows in the P-GRADE Grid Portal.
J. Grid Comput. 3(3-4): 221-238 (2005) |
2004 |
70 | | Dieter Kranzlmüller,
Péter Kacsuk,
Jack Dongarra:
Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface, 11th European PVM/MPI Users' Group Meeting, Budapest, Hungary, September 19-22, 2004, Proceedings
Springer 2004 |
69 | | Zoltan Juhasz,
Péter Kacsuk,
Dieter Kranzlmüller:
Distributed and Parallel Systems: Cluster and Grid Computing (DAPSYS 2004, Austrian-Hungarian Workshop on Distributed and Parallel Systems, Budapest, Hungary September 19-22, 2004)
Springer 2004 |
68 | | Szabolcs Pota,
Gergely Sipos,
Zoltan Juhasz,
Péter Kacsuk:
Parallel Programm Execution Support in the JGrid System.
DAPSYS 2004: 13-20 |
67 | EE | Thierry Delaitre,
Ariel Goyeneche,
Péter Kacsuk,
Tamás Kiss,
Gábor Terstyánszky,
Stephen C. Winter:
GEMLCA: Grid Execution Management for Legacy Code Architecture Design.
EUROMICRO 2004: 477-483 |
66 | EE | Gergely Sipos,
Péter Kacsuk:
Connecting Condor Pools into Computational Grids by Jini.
European Across Grids Conference 2004: 110-112 |
65 | EE | Róbert Lovas,
Gábor Dózsa,
Péter Kacsuk,
Norbert Podhorszki,
Dániel Drótos:
Workflow Support for Complex Grid Applications: Integrated and Portal Solutions.
European Across Grids Conference 2004: 129-138 |
64 | EE | József Kovács,
Péter Kacsuk:
A Migration Framework for Executing Parallel Programs in the Grid.
European Across Grids Conference 2004: 80-89 |
63 | EE | Péter Kacsuk,
Ariel Goyeneche,
Thierry Delaitre,
Tamás Kiss,
Zoltan Farkas,
T. Boczko:
High-Level Grid Application Environment to Use Legacy Codes as OGSA Grid Services.
GRID 2004: 428-435 |
62 | EE | Csaba Németh,
Gábor Dózsa,
Róbert Lovas,
Péter Kacsuk:
The P-GRADE Grid Portal.
ICCSA (2) 2004: 10-19 |
61 | EE | Róbert Lovas,
Péter Kacsuk,
István Lagzi,
Tamás Turányi:
Unified Development Solution for Cluster and Grid Computing and Its Application in Chemistry.
ICCSA (2) 2004: 226-235 |
60 | EE | Gergely Sipos,
Péter Kacsuk:
The PROVE Trace Visualisation Tool as a Grid Service.
ICCSA (2) 2004: 37-45 |
59 | EE | Vassil N. Alexandrov,
Ashish Thandavan,
Péter Kacsuk:
Using P-GRADE for Monte Carlo Computations in a Distributed Environment.
International Conference on Computational Science 2004: 475-482 |
58 | EE | Gábor Dózsa,
Péter Kacsuk,
Csaba Németh:
Grid Application Development on the Basis of Web Portal Technology.
PARA 2004: 472-480 |
57 | EE | Agathocles Gourgoulis,
Gábor Terstyánszky,
Péter Kacsuk,
Stephen C. Winter:
Creating Scalable Traffic Simulation on Clusters.
PDP 2004: 60-65 |
56 | EE | Péter Kacsuk,
Balázs Kónya,
Péter Stefán:
Production Grid Systems and Their Programming.
PVM/MPI 2004: 13 |
2003 |
55 | EE | Péter Kacsuk,
Rajkumar Buyya:
Grid Demo - Live Demonstrations of Grid Technologies and Applications.
CLUSTER 2003 |
54 | EE | Norbert Podhorszki,
Péter Kacsuk:
Prewsentation and Analysis of Grid Performance Data.
Euro-Par 2003: 119-126 |
53 | EE | Péter Kacsuk,
Róbert Lovas,
József Kovács,
Ferenc Szalai,
Gabor Gombás,
Norbert Podhorszki,
A. Horváth,
A. Horányi,
Imre Szeberényi,
Thierry Delaitre,
Gábor Terstyánszky,
Agathocles Gourgoulis:
Demonstration of P-GRADE Job-Mode for the Grid.
Euro-Par 2003: 1281-1286 |
52 | EE | Henri E. Bal,
Domenico Laforenza,
Thierry Priol,
Péter Kacsuk:
Topic Introduction.
Euro-Par 2003: 356 |
51 | EE | Gergely Sipos,
Péter Kacsuk:
Executing and Monitoring PVM Programs in Computational Grids with Jini.
PVM/MPI 2003: 570-576 |
50 | EE | Norbert Podhorszki,
Péter Kacsuk:
Monitoring Message Passing Applications in the Grid with GRM and R-GMA.
PVM/MPI 2003: 603-610 |
49 | EE | Ian T. Foster,
Péter Kacsuk:
Editors' Message.
J. Grid Comput. 1(1): 1-2 (2003) |
48 | EE | Péter Kacsuk,
Gábor Dózsa,
József Kovács,
Róbert Lovas,
Norbert Podhorszki,
Zoltán Balaton,
Gabor Gombás:
P-GRADE: A Grid Programming Environment.
J. Grid Comput. 1(2): 171-197 (2003) |
2002 |
47 | | Dieter Kranzlmüller,
Péter Kacsuk,
Jack Dongarra,
Jens Volkert:
Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface, 9th European PVM/MPI Users' Group Meeting, Linz, Austria, September 29 - October 2, 2002, Proceedings
Springer 2002 |
46 | EE | Péter Kacsuk,
Rajkumar Buyya:
GridDemo: International Workshop on Live Demonstrations of Grid Technologies and Applications.
CCGRID 2002: 298- |
45 | EE | Péter Kacsuk:
Hungarian Supercomputing Grid.
International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2002: 671-678 |
44 | EE | Péter Kacsuk:
Parallel Program Development and Execution in the Grid.
PARELEC 2002: 131-138 |
43 | EE | Péter Kacsuk,
Wolfgang Schreiner,
Dieter Kranzlmüller,
Jens Volkert:
Parallel and Distributed Programming Tools for Grids.
PDP 2002: 137-138 |
2001 |
42 | EE | Gabrielle Allen,
Thomas Dramlitsch,
Tom Goodale,
Gerd Lanfermann,
Thomas Radke,
Edward Seidel,
Thilo Kielmann,
Kees Verstoep,
Zoltán Balaton,
Péter Kacsuk,
Ferenc Szalai,
Jörn Gehring,
Axel Keller,
Achim Streit,
Ludek Matyska,
Miroslav Ruda,
Ales Krenek,
Harald Knipp,
André Merzky,
Alexander Reinefeld,
Florian Schintke,
Bogdan Ludwiczak,
Jarek Nabrzyski,
Juliusz Pukacki,
Hans-Peter Kersken,
Giovanni Aloisio,
Massimo Cafaro,
Wolfgang Ziegler,
Michael Russell:
Early Experiences with the EGrid Testbed.
CCGRID 2001: 130-139 |
41 | EE | Zoltán Balaton,
Péter Kacsuk,
Norbert Podhorszki,
Ferenc Vajda:
From Cluster Monitoring to Grid Monitoring Based on GRM.
Euro-Par 2001: 874-881 |
40 | EE | Zoltán Balaton,
Péter Kacsuk,
Norbert Podhorszki:
Application Monitoring in the Grid with GRM and PROVE.
International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2001: 253-262 |
39 | EE | Péter Kacsuk:
Can Parallel Programming Be Made Easy for Scientists?
International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2001: 7 |
2000 |
38 | | Jack Dongarra,
Péter Kacsuk,
Norbert Podhorszki:
Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface, 7th European PVM/MPI Users' Group Meeting, Balatonfüred, Hungary, September 2000, Proceedings
Springer 2000 |
37 | EE | Péter Kacsuk,
Gabriele Kotsis:
Distributed and parallel systems.
Future Generation Comp. Syst. 16(6): (2000) |
36 | EE | Péter Kacsuk:
Systematic macrostep debugging of message passing parallel programs.
Future Generation Comp. Syst. 16(6): 609-624 (2000) |
35 | EE | Péter Kacsuk,
Norbert Podhorszki:
Logicflow execution model for parallel databases.
Future Generation Comp. Syst. 16(6): 677-692 (2000) |
1999 |
34 | EE | Péter Kacsuk,
Róbert Lovas,
József Kovács:
Systematic Debugging of Parallel Programs in DIWIDE Based on Collective Breakpoints and Macrosteps.
Euro-Par 1999: 90-97 |
33 | | Sándor Forrai,
Péter Kacsuk:
Industrial Supercomputing Center in Hungary - Pre-feasibility Study.
HPCN Europe 1999: 1242-1246 |
32 | | Zsolt Németh,
Hiroshi Tomiyasu,
Péter Kacsuk,
Makoto Amamiya:
Multithreaded LOGFLOW on KUMP/D.
ISHPC 1999: 320-327 |
31 | EE | Péter Kacsuk:
Systematic Debugging of Parallel Programs Based on Collective Breakpoints.
PDSE 1999: 83-96 |
30 | | Péter Kacsuk:
Execution Models for a Massively Parallel Prolog Implementation. Part II.
Computers and Artificial Intelligence 18(2): (1999) |
29 | | Dániel Drótos,
Péter Kacsuk:
Grapnel to C Translation in the Grade Environment.
Computers and Artificial Intelligence 18(4): (1999) |
28 | EE | Inês de Castro Dutra,
Vítor Santos Costa,
Gopal Gupta,
Enrico Pontelli,
Manuel Carro,
Péter Kacsuk:
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 30(3): (1999) |
27 | EE | Péter Kacsuk,
Gábor Dózsa,
Tibor Fadgyas,
Róbert Lovas:
The GRED graphical editor for the GRADE parallel program development environment.
Future Generation Comp. Syst. 15(3): 443-452 (1999) |
1998 |
26 | EE | Zsolt Németh,
Péter Kacsuk:
Experiments with Binding Schemes in LOGFLOW.
Euro-Par 1998: 842-845 |
25 | | Péter Kacsuk,
Gábor Dózsa,
Tibor Fadgyas,
Róbert Lovas:
The GRED Graphical Editor for the GRADE Parallel Program Development Environment.
HPCN Europe 1998: 728-737 |
24 | | Péter Kacsuk:
Execution Models for a Massively Parallel Prolog Implementation. Part I.
Computers and Artificial Intelligence 17(4): (1998) |
23 | | Marek Tudruj,
Péter Kacsuk:
Extending GRADE Towards Explicit Process SYNCHRONISATION in Parallel Programs.
Computers and Artificial Intelligence 17(5): (1998) |
22 | | Péter Kacsuk,
Gábor Dózsa,
Tibor Fadgyas,
Róbert Lovas:
GRADE: a Graphical Programming Environment for Multicomputers.
Computers and Artificial Intelligence 17(5): (1998) |
21 | | Péter Kacsuk:
Special Issue on Parallel Programming Environments and Tools.
Computers and Artificial Intelligence 17(5): (1998) |
1997 |
20 | | Remo Suppi,
Eduardo César,
J. Falguera,
M. Serrano,
Joan Sorribes,
Emilio Luque,
Gábor Dózsa,
Péter Kacsuk,
Tibor Fadgyas:
Simulation in Parallel Software Design.
Euro-PDS 1997: 51-60 |
19 | | Péter Kacsuk,
Makoto Amamiya:
A Multithreaded Implementation Concept of Prolog on Datarol-II Machine.
ISHPC 1997: 91-106 |
18 | | Gábor Dózsa,
Péter Kacsuk,
Tibor Fadgyas:
GRADE: A graphical programming environment for PVM applications.
PDP 1997: 358-368 |
17 | | Péter Kacsuk,
Günter Haring,
Gábor Dózsa,
Szabolcs Ferenczi,
Tibor Fadgyas,
Georg Pigel:
MONADS-DPV: An Object-Oriented Graphical Support for Developing Concurrent Software System.
Computers and Artificial Intelligence 16(6): (1997) |
16 | | Günter Haring,
Péter Kacsuk,
Gabriele Kotsis:
Distributed and Parallel Systems: Environments and Tools.
Parallel Computing 22(13): 1699-1701 (1997) |
15 | | Péter Kacsuk,
José C. Cunha,
Gábor Dózsa,
João Lourenço,
Tibor Fadgyas,
Tiago Antão:
A Graphical Development and Debugging Environment for Parallel Programs.
Parallel Computing 22(13): 1747-1770 (1997) |
14 | | Péter Kacsuk,
Zsolt Németh,
Zsolt Puskás:
Tools for Mapping, Load Balancing and Monitoring in the LOGFLOW Parallel Prolog Project.
Parallel Computing 22(13): 1853-1881 (1997) |
1996 |
13 | EE | Péter Kacsuk,
Günter Haring,
Szabolcs Ferenczi,
Georg Pigel,
Gábor Dózsa,
Tibor Fadgyas:
Visual Parallel Programming in Monads-DPV.
PDP 1996: 344-351 |
1995 |
12 | EE | Péter Kacsuk:
Dataflow model for handling cut in the LOGFLOW parallel prolog machine.
PDP 1995: 60-67 |
1994 |
11 | | Péter Kacsuk:
Dataflow and Logicflow Models for Defining a Parallel Prolog Abstract Machine.
IFIP PACT 1994: 289-298 |
10 | | Péter Kacsuk:
OR-Parallel Prolog on Distributed Memory Systems.
PARLE 1994: 453-463 |
1992 |
9 | | Péter Kacsuk:
IJCSLP Workshop on Concurrent and Parallel Implementations 1992: 0- |
8 | | Péter Kacsuk:
Implementing Cut in a Distributed Data Driven OR-Parallel Prolog Environment.
PARLE 1992: 961-962 |
1991 |
7 | | Péter Kacsuk:
Towards Implementing Prolog on Massively Parallel Mixed Architecture Computers.
ALPUK 1991: 1-22 |
6 | | Péter Kacsuk:
A Parallel Prolog Abstract Machine and its Multi-Transputer Implementation.
Comput. J. 34(1): 52-63 (1991) |
1990 |
5 | | Péter Kacsuk:
Prolog Implementations on Parallel Computers.
CONPAR 1990: 166-175 |
1988 |
4 | | Péter Kacsuk:
Prolog implementations for cellular architectures.
Parcella 1988: 131-146 |
1987 |
3 | | Péter Kacsuk,
A. Bale:
DAP Prolog: A Set-Oriented Approach to Prolog.
Comput. J. 30(5): 393-403 (1987) |
1986 |
2 | | Péter Kacsuk:
Some Approaches to Parallel Implementaions of Prolog.
IFIP Congress 1986: 803-809 |
1984 |
1 | | Péter Kacsuk:
A Highly Parallel Prolog Interpreter Based on the Generalized Data Flow Model.
ICLP 1984: 195-205 |