2009 |
16 | EE | Mirjam Sepesy Maucec,
Tomaz Rotovnik,
Zdravko Kacic,
Janez Brest:
Using Data-Driven Subword Units in Language Model of Highly Inflective Slovenian Language.
IJPRAI 23(2): 287-312 (2009) |
2007 |
15 | EE | Matej Rojc,
Harald Höge,
Zdravko Kacic:
ECESS Platform for Web Based TTS Modules and Systems Evaluation.
COST 2102 Workshop (Patras) 2007: 149-157 |
14 | EE | Matej Rojc,
Tomaz Rotovnik,
Miso Brus,
Dusan Jan,
Zdravko Kacic:
Embodied Conversational Agents in Wizard-of-Oz and Multimodal Interaction Applications.
COST 2102 Workshop (Vietri) 2007: 294-309 |
13 | EE | Matej Rojc,
Zdravko Kacic:
A Unified Approach to Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion for the Plattos Slovenian Text-to-Speech System.
Applied Artificial Intelligence 21(6): 563-603 (2007) |
12 | EE | Bojan Kotnik,
Zdravko Kacic:
A noise robust feature extraction algorithm using joint wavelet packet subband decomposition and AR modeling of speech signals.
Signal Processing 87(6): 1202-1223 (2007) |
11 | EE | Matej Rojc,
Zdravko Kacic:
Time and space-efficient architecture for a corpus-based text-to-speech synthesis system.
Speech Communication 49(3): 230-249 (2007) |
10 | EE | Tomaz Rotovnik,
Mirjam Sepesy Maucec,
Zdravko Kacic:
Large vocabulary continuous speech recognition of an inflected language using stems and endings.
Speech Communication 49(6): 437-452 (2007) |
2005 |
9 | EE | Andrej Zgank,
Bogomir Horvat,
Zdravko Kacic:
Data-driven generation of phonetic broad classes, based on phoneme confusion matrix similarity.
Speech Communication 47(3): 379-393 (2005) |
2004 |
8 | EE | Mirjam Sepesy Maucec,
Zdravko Kacic,
Bogomir Horvat:
Modelling highly inflected languages.
Inf. Sci. 166(1-4): 249-269 (2004) |
2003 |
7 | EE | Andrej Zgank,
Zdravko Kacic,
Bogomir Horvat:
Comparison of Acoustic Adaptation Methods in Multilingual Speech Recognition Environment.
TSD 2003: 245-250 |
6 | EE | Bojan Imperl,
Zdravko Kacic,
Bogomir Horvat,
Andrej Zgank:
Clustering of triphones using phoneme similarity estimation for the definition of a multilingual set of triphones.
Speech Communication 39(3-4): 353-366 (2003) |
2002 |
5 | EE | Tomaz Rotovnik,
Mirjam Sepesy Maucec,
Bogomir Horvat,
Zdravko Kacic:
Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition of Slovenian Language Using Data-Driven Morphological Models.
TSD 2002: 329-332 |
4 | EE | Andrej Zgank,
Tomaz Rotovnik,
Zdravko Kacic,
Bogomir Horvat:
Uniform Speech Recognition Platform for Evaluation of New Algorithms.
TSD 2002: 333-336 |
2001 |
3 | EE | Andrej Zgank,
Zdravko Kacic,
Bogomir Horvat:
Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognizer for Slovenian Language.
TSD 2001: 242-248 |
2000 |
2 | EE | Mirjam Sepesy Maucec,
Zdravko Kacic:
Topic-Sensitive Language Modelling.
TSD 2000: 253-258 |
1988 |
1 | | Zdravko Kacic,
Bogomir Horvat:
A Methodology for Efficiency Estimation of the Speech Signal Feature Extraction Methods.
Pattern Recognition 1988: 636-645 |