
Elizabeth Jurrus

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5EEElizabeth Jurrus, Ross T. Whitaker, Bryan W. Jones, Robert Marc, Tolga Tasdizen: An optimal-path approach for neural circuit reconstruction. ISBI 2008: 1609-1612
4EEDonald R. Jones, Elizabeth Jurrus, Brian D. Moon, Kenneth A. Perrine: Gigapixel-Size Real-Time Interactive Image Processing with Parallel Computers. IPDPS 2003: 233
3EESusan Havre, Elizabeth G. Hetzler, Kenneth A. Perrine, Elizabeth Jurrus, Nancy Miller: Interactive Visualization of Multiple Query Results. INFOVIS 2001: 105-112
2EEPak Chung Wong, Harlan Foote, L. Ruby Leung, Elizabeth Jurrus, Dan Adams, Jim Thomas: Vector fields simplification - a case study of visualizing climate modeling and simulation data sets. IEEE Visualization 2000: 485-488
1EEPak Chung Wong, Wendy Cowley, Harlan Foote, Elizabeth Jurrus, Jim Thomas: Visualizing Sequential Patterns for Text Mining. INFOVIS 2000: 105-

Coauthor Index

1Dan Adams [2]
2Wendy Cowley [1]
3Harlan Foote [1] [2]
4Susan L. Havre (Susan Havre) [3]
5Elizabeth G. Hetzler [3]
6Bryan W. Jones [5]
7Donald R. Jones [4]
8L. Ruby Leung [2]
9Robert Marc [5]
10Nancy Miller [3]
11Brian D. Moon [4]
12Kenneth A. Perrine [3] [4]
13Tolga Tasdizen [5]
14James J. Thomas (Jim Thomas) [1] [2]
15Ross T. Whitaker [5]
16Pak Chung Wong [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)