
Paul Judge

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6 Yuchun Tang, Sven Krasser, Dmitri Alperovitch, Paul Judge: Spam Sender Detection with Classification Modeling on Highly Imbalanced Mail Server Behavior Data. Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition 2008: 174-180
5EEWeilai Yang, Paul Judge: VISOR: VoIP Security Using Reputation. ICC 2008: 1489-1493
4EEDmitri Alperovitch, Paul Judge, Sven Krasser: Taxonomy of Email Reputation Systems. ICDCS Workshops 2007: 27
3EEMinaxi Gupta, Paul Judge, Mostafa H. Ammar: A reputation system for peer-to-peer networks. NOSSDAV 2003: 144-152
2EEPaul Judge, Mostafa H. Ammar: Gothic: A Group Access Control Architecture for Secure Multicast and Anycast. INFOCOM 2002
1EEPaul Judge, Mostafa H. Ammar: WHIM: watermarking multicast video with a hierarchy of intermediaries. Computer Networks 39(6): 699-712 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Dmitri Alperovitch [4] [6]
2Mostafa H. Ammar [1] [2] [3]
3Minaxi Gupta [3]
4Sven Krasser [4] [6]
5Yuchun Tang [6]
6Weilai Yang [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)