
Mukul Joshi

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5EEManish Bhide, Ajay Gupta, Mukul Joshi, Mukesh K. Mohania: Optimal Deployment of Triggers for Detecting Events. DEXA 2004: 66-76
4EEManish Bhide, Ajay Gupta, Mukul Joshi, Mukesh K. Mohania, Shree Raman: Policy Framework for Autonomic Data Managemen. ICAC 2004: 336-337
3EESoumen Chakrabarti, Mukul Joshi, Kunal Punera, David M. Pennock: The structure of broad topics on the web. WWW 2002: 251-262
2EESoumen Chakrabarti, Mukul Joshi, Kunal Punera, David M. Pennock: The structure of broad topics on the Web CoRR cs.IR/0203024: (2002)
1 Soumen Chakrabarti, Mukul Joshi, Vivek Tawde: Enhanced Topic Distillation Using Text, Markup Tags, and Hyperlinks. SIGIR 2001: 208-216

Coauthor Index

1Manish Bhide [4] [5]
2Soumen Chakrabarti [1] [2] [3]
3Ajay Gupta [4] [5]
4Mukesh K. Mohania [4] [5]
5David M. Pennock (David Pennock) [2] [3]
6Kunal Punera [2] [3]
7Shree Raman [4]
8Vivek Tawde [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)