
Jorma Jormakka

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4EEJorma Jormakka, Henryka Jormakka, Janne Väre: A Lightweight Management System for a Military Ad Hoc Network. ICOIN 2007: 533-543
3 Jorma Jormakka, Henryka Jormakka: State of the Art of Service Creation Technologies in IP and Mobile Environments. Communication Systems: The State of the Art (IFIP World Computer Congress) 2002: 147-166
2EEJorma Jormakka, Kari Heikkinen: QoS/GOS Parameter Definitions and Measurement in IP/ATM Networks. QofIS 2000: 182-193
1 Jorma Jormakka: Performance analyzer for Intelligent Network. SMARTNET 1994: 97-110

Coauthor Index

1Kari Heikkinen [2]
2Henryka Jormakka [3] [4]
3Janne Väre [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)