
David G. Jones

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6EEDavid G. Jones: From 0 to 1, 169, 600 in 3 minutes: nine months of testing by the DevCreek team. OOPSLA Companion 2007: 731
5EEDavid G. Jones, Gordon R. Cameron: Improving quality together. OOPSLA Companion 2007: 878-879
4 David G. Jones, Jitendra Malik: A Computational Framework for Determining Stereo Correspondence from a Set of Linear Spatial Filters. ECCV 1992: 395-410
3 David G. Jones, Jitendra Malik: Determining Three-Dimensional Shape from Orientation and Spatial Frequency Disparities. ECCV 1992: 662-669
2EEDavid G. Jones, Jitendra Malik: Computational framework for determining stereo correspondence from a set of linear spatial filters. Image Vision Comput. 10(10): 699-708 (1992)
1EEYing Zheng, David G. Jones, S. A. Billings, John E. W. Mayhew, John P. Frisby: SWITCHER: a stereo algorithm for ground plane obstacle detection. Image Vision Comput. 8(1): 57-62 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Stephen A. Billings (S. A. Billings) [1]
2Gordon R. Cameron [5]
3John P. Frisby [1]
4Jitendra Malik [2] [3] [4]
5John E. W. Mayhew [1]
6Ying Zheng [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)