
Timo Jokela

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20EETobias Uldall-Espersen, Erik Frøkjær, Ann Blandford, Timo Jokela: Increasing the impact of usability work in software development. CHI Extended Abstracts 2007: 2873-2876
19EENiina Kantola, Timo Jokela: Determining High Level Quantitative Usability Requirements: A Case Study. HCI (1) 2007: 536-543
18EENiina Kantola, Timo Jokela: SVSb: simple and visual storyboards: developing a visualisation method for depicting user scenarios. OZCHI 2007: 49-56
17EEKatarina Segerståhl, Timo Jokela: Usability of interaction patterns. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 1301-1306
16EETimo Jokela, Mikko Siponen, Naotake Hirasawa, Jonathan Earthy: A survey of usability capability maturity models: implications for practice and research. Behaviour & IT 25(3): 263-282 (2006)
15EETimo Jokela, Jussi Koivumaa, Jani Pirkola, Petri Salminen, Niina Kantola: Methods for quantitative usability requirements: a case study on the development of the user interface of a mobile phone. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 10(6): 345-355 (2006)
14 Marja Tyynelä, Timo Jokela, Minna Isomursu, Petri Kotro, Olli Mannerkoski: Design Principles for Desktop 3D User Interfaces - Case Movie Plaza. ICEIS 2005: 85-90
13EETimo Jokela: Performance Rather than Capability Problems. Insights from Assessments of Usability Engineering Processes. PROFES 2005: 115-127
12EEMikko J. Rajanen, Timo Jokela: Analysis of Usability cost-benefit models. ECIS 2004
11EETimo Jokela, Pekka Abrahamsson: Usability Assessment of an Extreme Programming Project: Close Co-operation with the Customer Does Not Equal to Good Usability. PROFES 2004: 393-407
10EETimo Jokela: Evaluating the user-centredness of development organisations: conclusions and implications from empirical usability capability maturity assessments. Interacting with Computers 16(6): 1095-1132 (2004)
9EETimo Jokela: When good things happen to bad products: where are the benefits of usability in the consumer appliance market? Interactions 11(6): 28-35 (2004)
8EETimo Jokela, Tuomo Lalli: Usability and CMMI: does a higher maturity level in product development mean better usability? CHI Extended Abstracts 2003: 1010-1011
7EETimo Jokela: Assessments of Usability Engineering Processes: Experiences from Experiments. HICSS 2003: 328
6EEStephanie Rosenbaum, Chauncey E. Wilson, Timo Jokela, Janice Anne Rohn, Trixi B. Smith, Karel Vredenburg: Usability in Practice: user experience lifecycle - evolution and revolution. CHI Extended Abstracts 2002: 898-903
5EETimo Jokela: Making user-centred design common sense: striving for an unambiguous and communicative UCD process model. NordiCHI 2002: 19-26
4EETimo Jokela: Assessment of User-Centred Design Processes - Lessons Learnt and Conclusions. PROFES 2002: 232-246
3 Timo Jokela: A Method-Independent Process Model of User-Centred Design. Usability 2002: 23-38
2EENetta Iivari, Timo Jokela: Evaluating a Usability Capability Assessment. PROFES 2001: 98-109
1 Timo Jokela, Pekka Abrahamsson: Modelling Usability Capability - Introducing the Dimensions. PROFES 2000: 73-87

Coauthor Index

1Pekka Abrahamsson [1] [11]
2Ann Blandford [20]
3Jonathan Earthy [16]
4Erik Frøkjær [20]
5Naotake Hirasawa [16]
6Netta Iivari [2]
7Minna Isomursu [14]
8Niina Kantola [15] [18] [19]
9Jussi Koivumaa [15]
10Petri Kotro [14]
11Tuomo Lalli [8]
12Olli Mannerkoski [14]
13Jani Pirkola [15]
14Mikko J. Rajanen [12]
15Janice Anne Rohn [6]
16Stephanie Rosenbaum [6]
17Petri Salminen [15]
18Katarina Segerståhl [17]
19Mikko Siponen [16]
20Trixi B. Smith [6]
21Marja Tyynelä [14]
22Tobias Uldall-Espersen [20]
23Karel Vredenburg [6]
24Chauncey E. Wilson [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)