
Timothy Johnson

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4 Nikita Visnevski, Timothy Johnson: Embedded Instrumentation Systems Architecture for Mobile Wireless Sensing Platforms. ICWN 2007: 335-342
3EECamille Goudeseune, Guy Garnett, Timothy Johnson: Resonant Processing of Instrumental Sound Controller by Spatial Position. NIME 2001
2 Timothy Johnson, Phil Husbands: System Identification Using Genetic Algorithms. PPSN 1990: 85-89
1 Timothy Johnson: Identifying the Main Applications of Data Communications in Western Europe. IFIP Congress 1980: 569-574

Coauthor Index

1Guy Garnett [3]
2Camille Goudeseune [3]
3Phil Husbands (Philip Husbands) [2]
4Nikita Visnevski [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)