
Garry L. Johns

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5 Gary Chartrand, Garry L. Johns, Ping Zhang: On the Detour Number and Geodetic Number of a Graph. Ars Comb. 72: (2004)
4EEGary Chartrand, David Erwin, Garry L. Johns, Ping Zhang: Boundary vertices in graphs. Discrete Mathematics 263(1-3): 25-34 (2003)
3EEGarry L. Johns: A Sharp Bound for the Marginal Appendage Number. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 11: 410-416 (2002)
2EEGarry L. Johns: A simple proof of the characterization of antipodal graphs. Discrete Mathematics 128(1-3): 399-400 (1994)
1 Garry L. Johns, Tai-Chi Lee: S-Distance in Trees. Great Lakes Computer Science Conference 1989: 29-33

Coauthor Index

1Gary Chartrand [4] [5]
2David Erwin [4]
3Tai-Chi Lee [1]
4Ping Zhang [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)