
Stephen M. Jodis

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9 Paul A. D. de Maine, Kenneth D. Bradley, Stephen M. Jodis, Margaret M. de Maine: High-Speed Tools for Global Information Management, II: Specifications and Uses of the Transparent Query Language (TQL). Journal of Systems Integration 9(1): 29-53 (1999)
8 Paul A. D. de Maine, Kenneth D. Bradley, Stephen M. Jodis, Margaret M. de Maine: High-Speed Tools for Global Information Management, II: Specifications and Uses of the Transparent Query Language (TQL) PART IID. Manipulation of Information Representations. Journal of Systems Integration 9(1): 5-28 (1999)
7 Paul A. D. de Maine, Kenneth D. Bradley, Stephen M. Jodis, Margaret M. de Maine: High-Speed Tools for Global Information Management, II: Specifications and Uses of the Transparent Query Language (TQL) Part IIF. Additional Uses of TQL, Data Structures, Concise Definitions, Conclusions and Acknowledgments. Journal of Systems Integration 9(1): 55-71 (1999)
6 Paul A. D. de Maine, Kenneth D. Bradley, Stephen M. Jodis, Margaret M. de Maine: High-Speed Tools for Global Information Management, II: Specifications and Uses of the Transparent Query Language (TQL). Journal of Systems Integration 8(4): 319-341 (1998)
5 Paul A. D. de Maine, Kenneth D. Bradley, Stephen M. Jodis, Margaret M. de Maine: High-Speed Tools for Global Information Management, II: Specifications and Uses of the Transparent Query Language (TQL). Journal of Systems Integration 8(4): 343-358 (1998)
4 Paul A. D. de Maine, Kenneth D. Bradley, Stephen M. Jodis, Margaret M. de Maine: High-Speed Tools for Global Information Management, II: Specifications and Uses of the Transparent Query Language (TQL). Journal of Systems Integration 8(4): 359-377 (1998)
3EEStephen M. Jodis: Experiences and successes in teaching a language many CS students didn't want to learn: COBOL. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 1995: 273-274
2EEStephen M. Jodis, Paul A. D. de Maine: Elements of a senior design projects course. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 1990: 89-94
1EESoklei Leong, Stephen M. Jodis, Kevin J. Sullivan, Oliver Jiang, Paul A. D. de Maine: A Transportable Programming Language (TPL) System-II: The Bifunctional Compiler System. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 16(6): 639-646 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Kenneth D. Bradley [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
2Oliver Jiang [1]
3Soklei Leong [1]
4Margaret M. de Maine [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
5Paul A. D. de Maine [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
6Kevin J. Sullivan [1]

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