
Eric Joanis

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4EEGhada Badr, Eric Joanis, Samuel Larkin, Roland Kuhn: Manageable Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation Models. Computer Recognition Systems 2 2008: 437-444
3EEEric Joanis, Suzanne Stevenson, David James: A general feature space for automatic verb classification. Natural Language Engineering 14(3): 337-367 (2008)
2EERoland Kuhn, Denis Yuen, Michel Simard, Patrick Paul, George F. Foster, Eric Joanis, Howard Johnson: Segment Choice Models: Feature-Rich Models for Global Distortion in Statistical Machine Translation. HLT-NAACL 2006
1EEEric Joanis, Suzanne Stevenson: A General Feature Space for Automatic Verb Classification. EACL 2003: 163-170

Coauthor Index

1Ghada Hany Badr (Ghada Badr) [4]
2George F. Foster [2]
3David James [3]
4Howard Johnson [2]
5Roland Kuhn [2] [4]
6Samuel Larkin [4]
7Patrick Paul [2]
8Michel Simard [2]
9Suzanne Stevenson [1] [3]
10Denis Yuen [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)