
Seunghun Jin

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8EESeunghun Jin, Dongkyun Kim, Thien Cong Pham, Jae Wook Jeon: FPGA implementation of real-time skin color detection with mean-based surface flattening. FPGA 2009: 283
7EEJong-Hyuk Roh, Seunghun Jin, Kyoon-Ha Lee: Topology-Aware Key Management Scheme for Secure Overlay Multicast. ICOIN 2006: 733-742
6 Taesung Kim, Sangrae Cho, Seunghun Jin: Authentication and Authorization for Network Security Service. Security and Management 2004: 84-88
5EEDongwan Shin, Gail-Joon Ahn, Sangrae Cho, Seunghun Jin: A role-based infrastructure management system: design and implementation. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 16(11): 1121-1141 (2004)
4EESeunghun Jin, Sangrae Cho, Daeseon Choi, Jae-Cheol Ryou: New Security Paradigm for Application Security Infrastructure. ICOIN 2003: 793-802
3 Dongwan Shin, Gail-Joon Ahn, Sangrae Cho, Seunghun Jin: A Role Administration System in Role-based Authorization Infrastructures - Design and Implementation. SAC 2003: 325-330
2EEDongwan Shin, Gail-Joon Ahn, Sangrae Cho, Seunghun Jin: On modeling system-centric information for role engineering. SACMAT 2003: 169-178
1EEYeongsub Cho, Sangrae Cho, Daeseon Choi, Seunghun Jin, Kyoil Chung, Cheehang Park: A Location Privacy Protection Mechanism for Smart Space. WISA 2003: 162-173

Coauthor Index

1Gail-Joon Ahn [2] [3] [5]
2Sangrae Cho [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
3Yeongsub Cho [1]
4Daeseon Choi [1] [4]
5Kyoil Chung [1]
6Jae Wook Jeon [8]
7Dongkyun Kim [8]
8Taesung Kim [6]
9Kyoon-Ha Lee [7]
10Cheehang Park [1]
11Thien Cong Pham [8]
12Jong-Hyuk Roh [7]
13Jae-Cheol Ryou [4]
14Dongwan Shin [2] [3] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)