
Min Seok Jie

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7EEMin Seok Jie, Eun Jong Mo, Kang Woong Lee: Fuzzy PI Controller for Turbojet Engine of Unmanned Aircraft. ICCSA (3) 2007: 958-967
6EEChin Su Kim, Eun Jong Mo, Min Seok Jie, Soo Chan Hwang, Kang Woong Lee: Image-Based Robust Control of Robot Manipulators Under Jacobian Uncertainty. ICIC (1) 2007: 502-510
5EEPil Gyeom Kim, Chang Gun Park, Yun Ho Jong, Jea ho Yun, Eun Jong Mo, Chin Su Kim, Min Seok Jie, Soo Chan Hwang, Kang Woong Lee: Obstacle Avoidance of a Mobile Robot Using Vision System and Ultrasonic Sensor. ICIC (1) 2007: 545-553
4EEMin Seok Jie, Kang Woong Lee: Image-Based Robust Control of Robot Manipulators with Integral Actions. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2006: 108-116
3EEMin Seok Jie, Eun Jong Mo, Gyo-Young Hong, Kang Woong Lee: Fuzzy Logic Controller for Turbojet Engine of Unmanned Aircraft. KES (1) 2006: 29-36
2EEMin Seok Jie, Kang Woong Lee: Image-Based Robust Control of Robot Manipulators in the Presence of Uncertainty. KES (1) 2006: 858-865
1EEMin Seok Jie, Joong-Hwan Baek, Yeh Sun Hong, Kang Woong Lee: Real Time Obstacle Avoidance for Mobile Robot Using Limit-Cycle and Vector Field Method. KES (1) 2006: 866-873

Coauthor Index

1Joong-Hwan Baek [1]
2Gyo-Young Hong [3]
3Yeh Sun Hong [1]
4Soo Chan Hwang [5] [6]
5Yun Ho Jong [5]
6Chin Su Kim [5] [6]
7Pil Gyeom Kim [5]
8Kang Woong Lee [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
9Eun Jong Mo [3] [5] [6] [7]
10Chang Gun Park [5]
11Jea ho Yun [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)