
Yuncheng Jiang

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5EEYuncheng Jiang, Ju Wang, Suqin Tang, Bao Xiao: Reasoning with rough description logics: An approximate concepts approach. Inf. Sci. 179(5): 600-612 (2009)
4EEWei Zhang, Junming Qin, Ju Wang, Yuncheng Jiang: Computing the Number Restriction Deduced from the Existential Restriction in Description Logic with Primitive Negation, Existential Restriction and Number Restriction. FSKD (5) 2008: 536-540
3EEJu Wang, Yuncheng Jiang, YuMing Shen: Satisfiability and reasoning mechanism of terminological cycles in description logic vL . Science in China Series F: Information Sciences 51(9): 1204-1214 (2008)
2EEZhongzhi Shi, He Huang, Yuncheng Jiang, Jiewen Luo, Zheng Zheng, Fen Lin: AGrIP - Agent Grid Intelligence Platform. E-Service Intelligence 2007: 627-646
1EEZhongzhi Shi, Haijun Zhang, Yong Cheng, Yuncheng Jiang, Qiujian Sheng, Zhikung Zhao: MAGE: An Agent-Oriented Programming Environment. IEEE ICCI 2004: 250-257

Coauthor Index

1Yong Cheng [1]
2He Huang [2]
3Fen Lin [2]
4Jiewen Luo [2]
5Junming Qin [4]
6YuMing Shen [3]
7Qiujian Sheng [1]
8Zhongzhi Shi [1] [2]
9Suqin Tang [5]
10Ju Wang [3] [4] [5]
11Bao Xiao [5]
12Haijun Zhang [1]
13Wei Zhang [4]
14Zhikung Zhao [1]
15Zheng Zheng [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)