
Wenxin Jiang

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16EEXin Zhang, Wenxin Jiang, Zbigniew W. Ras: Harmonic Blind Sound Source Isolation Enhanced by Spectrum Clustering. ICDM Workshops 2008: 310-319
15EERory A. Lewis, Wenxin Jiang, Zbigniew W. Ras: Mining Scalar Representations in a Non-tagged Music Database. ISMIS 2008: 445-454
14EERory A. Lewis, Amanda Cohen, Wenxin Jiang, Zbigniew W. Ras: Hierarchical Tree for Dissemination of Polyphonic Noise. RSCTC 2008: 448-456
13EEPamela Thompson, Xin Zhang, Wenxin Jiang, Zbigniew W. Ras: From Mining Tinnitus Database to Tinnitus Decision-Support System, Initial Study. IAT 2007: 203-206
12EEYang Ge, Wenxin Jiang: A note on mixtures of experts for multiclass responses: approximation rate and Consistent Bayesian Inference. ICML 2006: 329-335
11EEYang Ge, Wenxin Jiang: On Consistency of Bayesian Inference with Mixtures of Logistic Regression. Neural Computation 18(1): 224-243 (2006)
10EEWenxin Jiang: On the Consistency of Bayesian Variable Selection for High Dimensional Binary Regression and Classification. Neural Computation 18(11): 2762-2776 (2006)
9EEWenxin Jiang: Boosting with Noisy Data: Some Views from Statistical Theory. Neural Computation 16(4): 789-810 (2004)
8EERobert A. Jacobs, Wenxin Jiang, Martin A. Tanner: Factorial Hidden Markov Models and the Generalized Backfitting Algorithm. Neural Computation 14(10): 2415-2437 (2002)
7 Wenxin Jiang: Some Theoretical Aspects of Boosting in the Presence of Noisy Data. ICML 2001: 234-241
6EEWenxin Jiang: Some Results on Weakly Accurate Base Learners for Boosting Regression and Classification. Multiple Classifier Systems 2000: 87-96
5 Wenxin Jiang, Martin A. Tanner: On the asymptotic normality of hierarchical mixtures-of-experts for generalized linear models. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 46(3): 1005-1013 (2000)
4 Wenxin Jiang: The VC Dimension for Mixtures of Binary Classifiers. Neural Computation 12(6): 1293-1301 (2000)
3 Wenxin Jiang, Martin A. Tanner: On the Approximation Rate of Hierarchical Mixtures-of-Experts for Generalized Linear Models. Neural Computation 11(5): 1183-1198 (1999)
2EEWenxin Jiang, Martin A. Tanner: On the identifiability of mixtures-of-experts. Neural Networks 12(9): 1253-1258 (1999)
1EEWenxin Jiang, Martin A. Tanner: Hierarchical Mixtures-of-Experts for Exponential Family Regression Models with Generalized Linear Mean Functions: A Survey of Approximation and Consistency Results. UAI 1998: 296-303

Coauthor Index

1Amanda Cohen [14]
2Yang Ge [11] [12]
3Robert A. Jacobs [8]
4Rory A. Lewis [14] [15]
5Zbigniew W. Ras [13] [14] [15] [16]
6Martin A. Tanner [1] [2] [3] [5] [8]
7Pamela Thompson [13]
8Xin Zhang [13] [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)