
Michael Jiang

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19EEMichael Jiang, Zhihui Yang, Anant Athale: A Model-Based Approach to Implementing Real-Time Mobile Services. COMPSAC 2008: 1193-1198
18EEMichael Jiang, James Joshi: Message from the IWSSE 2008 Workshop Organizers. COMPSAC 2008: 935
17EEMichael Jiang, James Joshi: IWSSE 2008 Workshop Organization. COMPSAC 2008: 936
16EEYan Liu, Jing Zhang, Michael Jiang, David Raymer, John Strassner: A Case Study: A Model-Based Approach to Retrofit a Network Fault Management System with Self-Healing Functionality. ECBS 2008: 9-18
15EEMichael Jiang, Jing Zhang, Hong Zhao, Yuanyuan Zhou: Maintaining software product lines - an industrial practice. ICSM 2008: 444-447
14EEYan Liu, Jing Zhang, Michael Jiang, David Raymer, John Strassner: A model-based approach to adding autonomic capabilities to network fault management system. NOMS 2008: 859-862
13EEMichael Jiang, Jing Zhang, Hong Zhao, Yuanyuan Zhou: Enhancing Software Product Line Maintenance with Source Code Mining. WASA 2008: 538-547
12EEYan Liu, Michael Jiang, David Raymer: Adding Autonomic Capabilities to Network Fault Management System. HASE 2007: 373-374
11EEWei Qu, Michael Jiang, Yuanyuan Jia: Software Reuse Detection Using an Integrated Space-Logic Domain Model. IRI 2007: 638-643
10EEMichael Jiang, Zhihui Yang: A Model-Driven Approach for Dependable Software Systems. QSIC 2007: 100-106
9EEYan Liu, Bojan Cukic, Johann Schumann, Michael Jiang: Performance Analysis of Dynamic Cell Structures. Trends in Neural Computation 2007: 367-389
8EEZhihui Yang, Michael Jiang: Using Eclipse as a Tool-Integration Platform for Software Development. IEEE Software 24(2): 87-89 (2007)
7EEMichael Jiang, Michael Groble, Sharon Simmons, Dennis Edwards, Norman Wilde: Software Feature Understanding in an Industrial Setting. ICSM 2006: 66-67
6 Michael Jiang, Zhihui Yang: A component-based service creation framework for mobile applications. IRI 2006: 307-312
5 Michael Jiang, Anant Athale, Zhihui Yang, Rajarshi Chatterjee, Jay Acharya: Automating the Implementation of Mobile Applications and Services. SEKE 2006: 526-531
4EEMichael Jiang, Michael Groble, Andrij Neczwid, Allan Willey: Modeling real-time communication systems: Practices and experiences in Motorola. J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 17(6): 584-605 (2006)
3EEYan Liu, Bojan Cukic, Michael Jiang, Zhiwei Xu: Predicting with Confidence - An Improved Dynamic Cell Structure. ICNC (1) 2005: 750-759
2EEMichael Jiang, Allan Willey: Architecting systems with components and services. IRI 2005: 259-264
1EEMichael Jiang, Allan Willey: Service-Oriented Architecture for Deploying and Integrating Enterprise Applications. WICSA 2005: 272-273

Coauthor Index

1Jay Acharya [5]
2Anant Athale [5] [19]
3Rajarshi Chatterjee [5]
4Bojan Cukic [3] [9]
5Dennis Edwards [7]
6Michael Groble [4] [7]
7Yuanyuan Jia [11]
8James Joshi [17] [18]
9Yan Liu (Yan (Jenny) Liu) [3] [9] [12] [14] [16]
10Andrij Neczwid [4]
11Wei Qu [11]
12David Raymer [12] [14] [16]
13Johann Schumann [9]
14Sharon Simmons [7]
15John Strassner [14] [16]
16Norman Wilde [7]
17Allan Willey [1] [2] [4]
18Zhiwei Xu [3]
19Zhihui Yang [5] [6] [8] [10] [19]
20Jing Zhang [13] [14] [15] [16]
21Hong Zhao [13] [15]
22Yuanyuan Zhou [13] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)