
Sun Jiaguang

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6 Liu Yingbo, Wang Jianmin, Sun Jiaguang: Using Decision Tree Learning to Predict Workflow Activity Time Consumption. ICEIS (2) 2007: 69-75
5EELiu Yingbo, Wang Jianmin, Sun Jiaguang: A machine learning approach to semi-automating workflow staff assignment. SAC 2007: 340-345
4 Wang Shaofeng, Fuqing Yang, Sun Jiaguang: Some issues on the translator of Smalltalk to C++. SIGPLAN Notices 36(4): 48-55 (2001)
3 Wang Shaofeng, Sun Jiaguang: A Framework Design of Workflow Management System with Java RMI. SIGPLAN Notices 36(9): 86-93 (2001)
2EEXiuwei Zhao, Sun Jiaguang: Reconstruction of a symmetrical object from its perspective image. Computers & Graphics 18(4): 463-467 (1994)
1EEKaihuai Qin, Sun Jiaguang, Xuefu Wang: Representing Conics using NURBS of Degree Two. Comput. Graph. Forum 11(5): 285-291 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Wang Jianmin [5] [6]
2Kaihuai Qin [1]
3Wang Shaofeng [3] [4]
4Xuefu Wang [1]
5Fuqing Yang [4]
6Liu Yingbo [5] [6]
7Xiuwei Zhao [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)