
Yoon-Su Jeong

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7EEYoon-Su Jeong, Yong-Tae Kim, Gil-Cheol Park, Sang Ho Lee: A Key Distribution method for Reducing Storage and Supporting High Level Security in the Large-scale WSN. JDCTA 2(1): 61-66 (2008)
6EEYoon-Cheol Hwang, Yoon-Su Jeong, Sang Ho Lee, Jeong-Young Song, Jin-Il Kim: Advanced Efficiency and Stability Combined Weight Based Distributed Clustering Algorithm in MANET. FGCN (2) 2007: 478-483
5EEYoon-Su Jeong, Sang Ho Lee: Hybrid Key Establishment Protocol Based on ECC for Wireless Sensor Network. UIC 2007: 1233-1242
4EEYoon-Su Jeong, Bong-Keun Lee, Sang Ho Lee: An Efficient Device Authentication Protocol Using Bioinformatic. CIS 2006: 567-575
3EEYong-Zhen Li, Yoon-Su Jeong, Ning Sun, Sang Ho Lee: Low-Cost Authentication Protocol of the RFID System Using Partial ID. CIS 2006: 598-604
2EEYoon-Su Jeong, Bong-Keun Lee, Sang Ho Lee: An Efficient Key Management Scheme for Secure Sensor Networks. CIT 2006: 228
1EEYoon-Su Jeong, Bong-Keun Lee, Keon-Myung Lee, Sang Ho Lee: Efficient Unilateral Authentication Mechanism for MIPv6. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2006: 908-911

Coauthor Index

1Yoon-Cheol Hwang [6]
2Jin-Il Kim [6]
3Yong-Tae Kim [7]
4Bong-Keun Lee [1] [2] [4]
5Keon-Myung Lee [1]
6Sang Ho Lee [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
7Yong-Zhen Li [3]
8Gil-Cheol Park [7]
9Jeong-Young Song [6]
10Ning Sun [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)