
Seyoon Jeong

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5EEMin-Woo Park, Gwang Hoon Park, Seyoon Jeong, Doug Young Suh, Kyuheon Kim: Adaptive GOP Structure for Joint Scalable Video Coding. IEICE Transactions 90-B(2): 431-434 (2007)
4EEInjae Lee, Myungseok Ki, Seyoon Jeong, Kyuheon Kim: Interactive Multi-View Visual Contents Authoring System. ICME 2006: 189-192
3EEJaeyeon Lee, Seyoon Jeong, Kyuseo Han, Byungtae Chun, Younglae J. Bae: Image Navigation: A Massively Interactive Model for Similarity Retrieval of Images. International Journal of Computer Vision 56(1-2): 131-145 (2004)
2 Seyoon Jeong, Kyuseo Han, Byungtae Chun, Jaeyeon Lee, Younglae J. Bae: Partial Accessible JPEG Format for Effective Browsing over the Internet. VIIP 2001: 346-349
1 Yunglae Bae, Seyoon Jeong, Byung Tae Chun: A Method for Image Indexing using Entropy and Color Correlation Features. VIIP 2001: 523-526

Coauthor Index

1Younglae J. Bae [2] [3]
2Yunglae Bae [1]
3Byung Tae Chun [1]
4Byungtae Chun [2] [3]
5Kyuseo Han [2] [3]
6Myungseok Ki [4]
7Kyuheon Kim [4] [5]
8Injae Lee [4]
9Jaeyeon Lee [2] [3]
10Gwang Hoon Park [5]
11Min-Woo Park [5]
12Doug Young Suh [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)