
Jaejin Jeon

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2EEJunseok Lim, Ki-Young Han, Jaejin Jeon: Adaptive step-size widely linear linearly constrained constant modulus algorithm for DS-CDMA receivers in nonstationary interference environments. Signal Processing 87(6): 1523-1527 (2007)
1EEJunseok Lim, Jaejin Jeon, Sangwook Lee: Recursive Complex Extreme Learning Machine with Widely Linear Processing for Nonlinear Channel Equalizer. ISNN (2) 2006: 128-134

Coauthor Index

1Ki-Young Han [2]
2Sangwook Lee [1]
3Junseok Lim [1] [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)