
Gracjan Jankowski

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3EEAugusto Ciuffoletti, Antonio Congiusta, Gracjan Jankowski, Michal Jankowski, Ondrej Krajicek, Norbert Meyer: Grid Infrastructure Architecture: A Modular Approach from CoreGRID. WEBIST (Selected Papers) 2007: 72-84
2EEGracjan Jankowski, József Kovács, Norbert Meyer, Radoslaw Januszewski, Rafal Mikolajczak: Towards Checkpointing Grid Architecture. PPAM 2005: 659-666
1EEGracjan Jankowski, Rafal Mikolajczak, Radoslaw Januszewski, Norbert Meyer, Maciej Stroinski: Resources Virtualization in Fault-Tolerance and Migration Issues. International Conference on Computational Science 2004: 449-452

Coauthor Index

1Augusto Ciuffoletti [3]
2Antonio Congiusta [3]
3Michal Jankowski [3]
4Radoslaw Januszewski [1] [2]
5József Kovács [2]
6Ondrej Krajicek [3]
7Norbert Meyer [1] [2] [3]
8Rafal Mikolajczak [1] [2]
9Maciej Stroinski [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)