
Chyng-Yang Jang

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6EEMichael Stefanone, Chyng-Yang Jang: Social Exchange Online: Public Conversations in the Blogosphere. HICSS 2008: 148
5EEChyng-Yang Jang: Managing Fairness: Reward Distribution in a Self-organized Online Game Player Community. HCI (15) 2007: 375-384
4EEMarleen Huysman, Charles Steinfield, Chyng-Yang Jang, Kenneth David, Mirjam Huis in 't Veld, Jan Poot, Ingrid Mulder: Virtual Teams and the Appropriation of Communication Technology: Exploring the Concept of Media Stickiness. Computer Supported Cooperative Work 12(4): 411-436 (2003)
3EEChyng-Yang Jang, Charles Steinfield, Ben Pfaff: Virtual team awareness and groupware support: an evaluation of the TeamSCOPE system. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 56(1): 109-126 (2002)
2EECharles Steinfield, Marleen Huysman, Kenneth David, Chyng-Yang Jang, Jan Poot, Mirjam Huis in 't Veld, Ingrid Mulder, Erik D. Goodman, John Lloyd, Timothy Hinds, J. H. Erik Andriessen, Kirsten Jarvis, Klaas van der Werff, Angel Cabrera: New Methods for Studying Global Virtual Teams: Towards a Multi-Faceted Approach. HICSS 2001
1EECharles Steinfield, Chyng-Yang Jang, Ben Pfaff: Supporting virtual team collaboration: the TeamSCOPE system. GROUP 1999: 81-90

Coauthor Index

1J. H. Erik Andriessen [2]
2Angel Cabrera [2]
3Kenneth David [2] [4]
4Erik D. Goodman [2]
5Timothy Hinds [2]
6Marleen Huysman [2] [4]
7Kirsten Jarvis [2]
8John Lloyd [2]
9Ingrid Mulder [2] [4]
10Ben Pfaff [1] [3]
11Jan Poot [2] [4]
12Michael Stefanone [6]
13Charles Steinfield (Charles W. Steinfield) [1] [2] [3] [4]
14Mirjam Huis in 't Veld [2] [4]
15Klaas van der Werff [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)