
Bong Won Jang

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2EEHyun Jea Joo, Bong Won Jang, Md. Rezaul Bashar, Phill-Kyu Rhee: Real Time Face Detection System Based Edge Restoration and Nested K-Means at Frontal View. FSKD 2006: 1192-1200
1EEHyun Jea Joo, Bong Won Jang, Suman Sedai, Phill-Kyu Rhee: Use of Nested K-Means for Robust Head Location in Visual Surveillance System. PRICAI 2006: 583-592

Coauthor Index

1Md. Rezaul Bashar [2]
2Hyun Jea Joo [1] [2]
3Phill-Kyu Rhee [1] [2]
4Suman Sedai [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)