
K. David Jamison

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8EEWeldon A. Lodwick, K. David Jamison: Interval-valued probability in the analysis of problems containing a mixture of possibilistic, probabilistic, and interval uncertainty. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 159(21): 2845-2858 (2008)
7EEWeldon A. Lodwick, K. David Jamison: The Use of Interval-Valued Probability Measures in Optimization Under Uncertainty for Problems Containing a Mixture of Fuzzy, Possibilisitic, and Interval Uncertainty. IFSA (1) 2007: 361-370
6EEWeldon A. Lodwick, K. David Jamison: Theoretical and semantic distinctions of fuzzy, possibilistic, and mixed fuzzy/possibilistic optimization. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 158(17): 1861-1872 (2007)
5EEWeldon A. Lodwick, K. David Jamison: Special issue: interfaces between fuzzy set theory and interval analysis. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 135(1): 1-3 (2003)
4EEWeldon A. Lodwick, K. David Jamison: Estimating and Validating the Cumulative Distribution of a Function of Random Variables: Toward the Development of Distribution Arithmetic. Reliable Computing 9(2): 127-141 (2003)
3EEK. David Jamison, Weldon A. Lodwick: The construction of consistent possibility and necessity measures. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 132(1): 1-10 (2002)
2EEK. David Jamison, Weldon A. Lodwick: Fuzzy linear programming using a penalty method. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 119(1): 97-110 (2001)
1EEWeldon A. Lodwick, K. David Jamison: Interval Methods and Fuzzy Optimization. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 5(3): 239-250 (1997)

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1Weldon A. Lodwick [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

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