
Robert Jajcay

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10EERobert Jajcay, Aleksander Malnic, Dragan Marusic: On the number of closed walks in vertex-transitive graphs. Discrete Mathematics 307(3-5): 484-493 (2007)
9EEMarston Conder, Robert Jajcay, Tom Tucker: Regular t-balanced Cayley maps. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 97(3): 453-473 (2007)
8EER. Bruce Richter, Jozef Sirán, Robert Jajcay, Thomas W. Tucker, Mark E. Watkins: Cayley maps. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 95(2): 189-245 (2005)
7 Robert Jajcay: Representing Finite Groups As Regular Automorphism Groups Of Combinatorial Structures. Ars Comb. 62: (2002)
6EERobert Jajcay, Jozef Sirán: Skew-morphisms of regular Cayley maps. Discrete Mathematics 244(1-3): 167-179 (2002)
5EERobert Jajcay, Cai Heng Li: Constructions of Self-complementary Circulants with No Multiplicative Isomorphisms. Eur. J. Comb. 22(8): 1093-1100 (2001)
4EERobert Jajcay: On a Construction of Infinite Families of Regular Cayley Maps. Combinatorica 18(2): 191-199 (1998)
3EERobert Jajcay: Characterization and construction of Cayley graphs admitting regular Cayley maps. Discrete Mathematics 158(1-3): 151-160 (1996)
2EERobert Jajcay: On a New Product of Groups. Eur. J. Comb. 15(3): 251-252 (1994)
1EERobert Jajcay: Automorphism Groups of Cayley Maps. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 59(2): 297-310 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Marston Conder [9]
2Cai Heng Li [5]
3Aleksander Malnic [10]
4Dragan Marusic [10]
5R. Bruce Richter [8]
6Jozef Sirán [6] [8]
7Thomas W. Tucker [8]
8Tom Tucker [9]
9Mark E. Watkins [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)