2001 | ||
7 | EE | Iliya Bouyukliev, David B. Jaffe: Optimal binary linear codes of dimension at most seven. Discrete Mathematics 226(1-3): 51-70 (2001) |
2000 | ||
6 | EE | David B. Jaffe: Optimal binary linear codes of length leq 30. Discrete Mathematics 223(1-3): 135-155 (2000) |
5 | Iliya Bouyukliev, David B. Jaffe, Vesselin Vavrek: The smallest length of eight-dimensional binary linear codes with prescribed minimum distance. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 46(4): 1539-1544 (2000) | |
1999 | ||
4 | David B. Jaffe, Juriaan Simonis: New binary linear codes which are dual transforms of good codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 45(6): 2136-2137 (1999) | |
1998 | ||
3 | David B. Jaffe, Vladimir D. Tonchev: Computing Linear Codes and Unitals. Des. Codes Cryptography 14(1): 39-52 (1998) | |
1997 | ||
2 | David B. Jaffe: A Brief Tour of Split Linear Programming. AAECC 1997: 164-173 | |
1995 | ||
1 | EE | David B. Jaffe: New results on binary linear codes CoRR abs/math/9508219: (1995) |
1 | Iliya Bouyukliev | [5] [7] |
2 | Juriaan Simonis | [4] |
3 | Vladimir D. Tonchev | [3] |
4 | Vesselin Vavrek | [5] |