
Joseph C. Jacob

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9EEJoseph C. Jacob, Peter Eisenhardt, David Makovoz: Parallel MOPEX: Computing mosaics of large-area Spitzer surveys on a cluster computer. Scientific Programming 15(2): 75-81 (2007)
8EEDaniel S. Katz, Joseph C. Jacob, Peggy Li, Yi Chao, Gabrielle Allen: Data-Oriented Distributed Computing for Science: Reality and Possibilities. OTM Conferences (2) 2006: 1119-1124
7EEDaniel S. Katz, Joseph C. Jacob, G. Bruce Berriman, John Good, Anastasia C. Laity, Ewa Deelman, Carl Kesselman, Gurmeet Singh, Mei-Hui Su, Thomas A. Prince: A Comparison of Two Methods for Building Astronomical Image Mosaics on a Grid. ICPP Workshops 2005: 85-94
6EEGurmeet Singh, Ewa Deelman, Gaurang Mehta, Karan Vahi, Mei-Hui Su, G. Bruce Berriman, John Good, Joseph C. Jacob, Daniel S. Katz, Albert Lazzarini, Kent Blackburn, Scott Koranda: The Pegasus portal: web based grid computing. SAC 2005: 680-686
5EEEwa Deelman, Gurmeet Singh, Mei-Hui Su, James Blythe, Yolanda Gil, Carl Kesselman, Gaurang Mehta, Karan Vahi, G. Bruce Berriman, John Good, Anastasia C. Laity, Joseph C. Jacob, Daniel S. Katz: Pegasus: A framework for mapping complex scientific workflows onto distributed systems. Scientific Programming 13(3): 219-237 (2005)
4EEDaniel S. Katz, Attila Bergou, G. Bruce Berriman, Gary L. Block, Jim Collier, David W. Curkendall, John Good, Laura Husman, Joseph C. Jacob, Anastasia C. Laity, Peggy Li, Craig Miller, Tom Prince, Herb Siegel, Roy Williams: Accessing and Visualizing Scientific Spatiotemporal Data. SSDBM 2004: 107-110
3 Roy Williams, G. Bruce Berriman, Ewa Deelman, John Good, Joseph C. Jacob, Carl Kesselman, Carol Lonsdale, Seb Oliver, Thomas A. Prince: Multi-wavelength image space: another Grid-enabled science. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 15(6): 539-549 (2003)
2EEJoseph C. Jacob, Soo-Young Lee: Task Spreading and Shrinking on Multiprocessor Systems and Networks of Workstations. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 10(10): 1082-1101 (1999)
1EEJoseph C. Jacob, Soo-Young Lee: A Spanning Tree Based Recursive Refinement Algorithm for Fast Task Mapping. HPDC 1995: 58-65

Coauthor Index

1Gabrielle Allen [8]
2Attila Bergou [4]
3G. Bruce Berriman [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
4Kent Blackburn [6]
5Gary L. Block [4]
6Jim Blythe (James Blythe) [5]
7Yi Chao [8]
8Jim Collier [4]
9David W. Curkendall [4]
10Ewa Deelman [3] [5] [6] [7]
11Peter Eisenhardt [9]
12Yolanda Gil [5]
13John Good [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
14Laura Husman [4]
15Daniel S. Katz [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
16Carl Kesselman [3] [5] [7]
17Scott Koranda [6]
18Anastasia C. Laity [4] [5] [7]
19Albert Lazzarini [6]
20Soo-Young Lee [1] [2]
21Peggy Li [4] [8]
22Carol Lonsdale [3]
23David Makovoz [9]
24Gaurang Mehta [5] [6]
25Craig Miller [4]
26Seb Oliver [3]
27Thomas A. Prince [3] [7]
28Tom Prince [4]
29Herb Siegel [4]
30Gurmeet Singh [5] [6] [7]
31Mei-Hui Su [5] [6] [7]
32Karan Vahi [5] [6]
33Roy Williams [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)