
K. Jackson

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6EEA. J. J. Dick, M. Elizabeth C. Hull, K. Jackson: Specifying process and measuring progress in terms of information state. Journal of Systems and Software 76(3): 311-322 (2005)
5EEAlbert Alderson, M. Elizabeth C. Hull, K. Jackson, L. E. Griffiths: Method engineering for industrial real-time and embedded systems. Information & Software Technology 40(8): 443-454 (1998)
4EEAlbert Alderson, S. Arnold, P. Brook, K. Jackson, R. Stevens: An improved system engineering model. ECBS 1997: 427-434
3 H. R. Simpson, K. Jackson: Process Synchronisation in MASCOT. Comput. J. 22(4): 332-345 (1979)
2 K. Jackson: Language Design for Modular Software Construction. IFIP Congress 1977: 577-581
1 K. Jackson: Parallel processing and modular software construction. Design and Implementation of Programming Languages 1976: 436-443

Coauthor Index

1Albert Alderson [4] [5]
2S. Arnold [4]
3P. Brook [4]
4A. J. J. Dick [6]
5L. E. Griffiths [5]
6M. Elizabeth C. Hull [5] [6]
7H. R. Simpson [3]
8R. Stevens [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)