
Sanna Järvelä

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3EEJari Laru, Sanna Järvelä: Collaborative-Inquiry Learning in the Environment. Design Experiment with Distributed Face-to-Face and Mobile Scaffolds. WMUTE 2008: 225-227
2EEJari Laru, Sanna Järvelä: Using web2.0 Software and Mobile Devices for Creating Shared Understanding among Virtual Learning Communities. WMUTE 2008: 228-230
1EEPiritta Leinonen, Sanna Järvelä, Päivi Häkkinen: Conceptualizing the Awareness of Collaboration: A Qualitative Study of a Global Virtual Team. Computer Supported Cooperative Work 14(4): 301-322 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Päivi Häkkinen [1]
2Jari Laru [2] [3]
3Piritta Leinonen [1]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)