
Frank-Walter Jäkel

Frank-Walter Jaekel

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12EEUlrike Greiner, Frank-Walter Jäkel: Process Interoperability - From the Idea to Execution. SimVis 2007: 141-154
11EEMarkus Rabe, Frank-Walter Jaekel, Heiko Weinaug: Supply Chair Demonstrator Based on Federated Models and HLA Application. SimVis 2006: 329-338
10 Ulrike Greiner, Sonia Lippe, Timo Kahl, Jörg Ziemann, Frank-Walter Jäkel: A Multi-level Modeling Framework for Designing and Implementing Cross-Organizational Business Processes. Technologies for Collaborative Business Process Management 2006: 13-23
9EEMarkus Rabe, Frank-Walter Jaekel, Heiko Weinaug: Reference models for supply chain design and configuration. Winter Simulation Conference 2006: 1143-1150
8EEFrank-Walter Jaekel, Nicolas Perry, Cristina Campos, Kai Mertins, Ricardo Chalmeta: Interoperability Supported by Enterprise Modelling. OTM Workshops 2005: 552-561
7EEKai Mertins, Markus Rabe, Frank-Walter Jäkel: Distributed modelling and simulation of supply chains. Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 18(5): 342-349 (2005)
6 Markus Rabe, Frank-Walter Jaekel, M. Dassisti, M. Erriquez: Generic Adaptor for Distributed Simulation. SimVis 2003: 205-216
5 Markus Rabe, Frank-Walter Jaekel: The MISSION Project. ICEIMT 2002: 235-242
4 Ioannis L. Kotsiopoulos, Torsten Engel, Frank-Walter Jaekel, Kurt Kosanke, Juan Carlos Mendez Barreiro, Angel Ortiz Bas, Michaël Petit, Patric Raynaud: Steps in Enterprise Modelling. ICEIMT 2002: 337-345
3 Markus Rabe, Frank-Walter Jaekel: Adaption der High Level Architecture (HLA) für die effektive Anwendung in Produktion und Logistik. SimVis 2002: 21-32
2 Markus Rabe, Frank-Walter Jaekel: Non Military use of HLA within Distributed Manufacturing Scenarios. SimVis 2001: 141-150
1EEKai Mertins, Markus Rabe, Frank-Walter Jaekel: Neutral template libraries for efficient distributed simulation within a manufacturing system engineering platform. Winter Simulation Conference 2000: 1549-1557

Coauthor Index

1Juan Carlos Mendez Barreiro [4]
2Ángel Ortiz Bas (Angel Ortiz Bas) [4]
3Cristina Campos [8]
4Ricardo Chalmeta [8]
5M. Dassisti [6]
6Torsten Engel [4]
7M. Erriquez [6]
8Ulrike Greiner [10] [12]
9Timo Kahl [10]
10Kurt Kosanke [4]
11Ioannis L. Kotsiopoulos [4]
12Sonia Lippe [10]
13Kai Mertins [1] [7] [8]
14Nicolas Perry [8]
15Michaël Petit [4]
16Markus Rabe [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [9] [11]
17Patric Raynaud [4]
18Heiko Weinaug [9] [11]
19Jörg Ziemann [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)