
Alexander V. Ivashchenko

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6EEAlexander V. Ivashchenko: Contractible transformations do not change the homology groups of graphs. Discrete Mathematics 126(1-3): 159-170 (1994)
5EEAlexander V. Ivashchenko, Yeong-Nan Yeh: Minimal graphs of a torus, a projective plane and spheres and some properties of minimal graphs of homotopy classes. Discrete Mathematics 126(1-3): 171-178 (1994)
4EEAlexander V. Ivashchenko: Graphs of spheres and tori. Discrete Mathematics 128(1-3): 247-255 (1994)
3EEAlexander V. Ivashchenko: Some properties of contractible transformations on graphs. Discrete Mathematics 133(1-3): 139-145 (1994)
2EEAlexander V. Ivashchenko: The coordinate representation of a graph and n-universal graph of radius 1. Discrete Mathematics 120(1-3): 107-114 (1993)
1EEAlexander V. Ivashchenko: Representation of smooth surfaces by graphs. Transformations of graphs which do not change the Euler characteristic of graphs. Discrete Mathematics 122(1-3): 219-233 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Yeong-Nan Yeh [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)