
Tsuyoshi Ito

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8EETsuyoshi Ito, Hirotada Kobayashi, Daniel Preda, Xiaoming Sun, Andrew Chi-Chih Yao: Generalized Tsirelson Inequalities, Commuting-Operator Provers, and Multi-prover Interactive Proof Systems. IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 2008: 187-198
7EETsuyoshi Ito, Hirotada Kobayashi, Keiji Matsumoto: Oracularization and Two-Prover One-Round Interactive Proofs against Nonlocal Strategies CoRR abs/0810.0693: (2008)
6EEDavid Avis, Hiroshi Imai, Tsuyoshi Ito: Generating facets for the cut polytope of a graph by triangular elimination. Math. Program. 112(2): 303-325 (2008)
5EEDavid Avis, Tsuyoshi Ito: Comparison of two bounds of the quantum correlation set. ICQNM 2007: 2
4EEDavid Avis, Tsuyoshi Ito: New classes of facets of the cut polytope and tightness of Imm22 Bell inequalities. Discrete Applied Mathematics 155(13): 1689-1699 (2007)
3EETakayuki Yato, Takahiro Seta, Tsuyoshi Ito: Finding Yozume of Generalized Tsume-Shogi is Exptime-Complete. IEICE Transactions 88-A(5): 1249-1257 (2005)
2EETsuyoshi Ito, Mary Inaba: Theoretical Analysis of Performances of TCP/IP Congestion Control Algorithm with Different Distances. NETWORKING 2004: 962-973
1EEYasuhito Asano, Tsuyoshi Ito, Hiroshi Imai, Masashi Toyoda, Masaru Kitsuregawa: Compact Encoding of the Web Graph Exploiting Various Power Laws: Statistical Reason Behind Link Database. WAIM 2003: 37-46

Coauthor Index

1Yasuhito Asano [1]
2David Avis [4] [5] [6]
3Hiroshi Imai [1] [6]
4Mary Inaba [2]
5Masaru Kitsuregawa [1]
6Hirotada Kobayashi [7] [8]
7Keiji Matsumoto [7]
8Daniel Preda [8]
9Takahiro Seta [3]
10Xiaoming Sun [8]
11Masashi Toyoda [1]
12Andrew Chi-Chih Yao [8]
13Takayuki Yato [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)