
Akihiro Ito

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3EEAkihiro Ito, Tooru Ooya, Nobuhiko Yui: Hydrolyzable Polyrotaxanes Consisting of beta-Cyclodextrins and Pluronic® for Drug Delivery. ICMENS 2004: 428-429
2EETomoki Sekiguchi, Shin'ya Iguchi, Masato Ishii, Jun Maeoka, Akihiro Ito, Tsutomu Furuhashi: A Display Centric Ubiquitous Information System - "Dokodemo-Display". SAINT Workshops 2004: 709-716
1 Akihiro Ito, Noborn Ohta: Optimization of probability Model for Color Halftone by Macroscopic Spectral Reflectance. PICS 1999: 386-389

Coauthor Index

1Tsutomu Furuhashi [2]
2Shin'ya Iguchi [2]
3Masato Ishii [2]
4Jun Maeoka [2]
5Noborn Ohta [1]
6Tooru Ooya [3]
7Tomoki Sekiguchi [2]
8Nobuhiko Yui [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)