2004 |
20 | EE | Amar Isli:
Combining Cardinal Direction Relations and Relative Relations in QSR.
AMAI 2004 |
19 | EE | Amar Isli:
Augmenting ALC(D) (atemporal) roles and (aspatial) concrete domain with temporal roles and a spatial concrete domain -first results
CoRR cs.AI/0409045: (2004) |
18 | EE | Amar Isli:
A TCSP-like decidable constraint language generalising existing cardinal direction relations
CoRR cs.AI/0409046: (2004) |
17 | EE | Amar Isli:
An ALC(D)-based combination of temporal constraints and spatial constraints suitable for continuous (spatial) change
CoRR cs.AI/0409047: (2004) |
2003 |
16 | EE | Amar Isli:
Bridging the gap between modal temporal logics and constraint-based QSR as an ALC(D) spatio-temporalisation with weakly cyclic TBoxes
CoRR cs.AI/0307040: (2003) |
15 | EE | Amar Isli,
Volker Haarslev,
Ralf Möller:
Combining cardinal direction relations and relative orientation relations in Qualitative Spatial Reasoning
CoRR cs.AI/0307048: (2003) |
14 | EE | Amar Isli:
A ternary Relation Algebra of directed lines
CoRR cs.AI/0307050: (2003) |
13 | EE | Amar Isli:
Integrating existing cone-shaped and projection-based cardinal direction relations and a TCSP-like decidable generalisation
CoRR cs.AI/0311051: (2003) |
2001 |
12 | | Amar Isli:
On Deciding Consistency for CSPs of Cyclic Time Intervals.
FLAIRS Conference 2001: 547-551 |
2000 |
11 | EE | Amar Isli,
Lledó Museros Cabedo,
Thomas Barkowsky,
Reinhard Moratz:
A Topological Calculus for Cartographic Entities.
Spatial Cognition 2000: 225-238 |
10 | EE | Amar Isli,
Anthony G. Cohn:
A new approach to cyclic ordering of 2D orientations using ternary relation algebras.
Artif. Intell. 122(1-2): 137-187 (2000) |
1998 |
9 | | Amar Isli,
Anthony G. Cohn:
An Algebra for Cyclic Ordering of 2D Orientations.
AAAI/IAAI 1998: 643-649 |
8 | EE | Belaid Benhamou,
Amar Isli:
Study of Symmetry in Qualitative Temporal Interval Networks.
AIMSA 1998: 88-101 |
7 | | Brandon Bennett,
Amar Isli,
Anthony G. Cohn:
A System Handling RCC-8 Queries on 2D Regions Representable in the Closure algebra of Half-Planes.
IEA/AIE (Vol. 1) 1998: 281-290 |
6 | | Said Belhadji,
Amar Isli:
Temporal Constraint Satisfaction Techniques in Job Shop Scheduling Problem Solving.
Constraints 3(2/3): 203-211 (1998) |
1997 |
5 | | Brandon Bennett,
Anthony G. Cohn,
Amar Isli:
A Logical Approach to Incorporating Qualitative Spatial Reasoning into GIS (Extended Abstract).
COSIT 1997: 503-504 |
4 | EE | Brandon Bennett,
Anthony G. Cohn,
Amar Isli:
Combining Multiple Representations in a Spatial Reasoning System.
ICTAI 1997: 314-322 |
1996 |
3 | | Christian Bessière,
Amar Isli,
Gerard Ligozat:
Global Consistency in Interval Algebra Networks: Tractable Subclasses.
ECAI 1996: 3-7 |
2 | | Said Belhadji,
Amar Isli:
AI Tools in Scheduling Problem Solving: A Solver Based on a "Well-Behaved" Restriction of TCSPs.
ICTAI 1996: 438-439 |
1 | | Amar Isli,
Hachemi Bennaceur:
Networks of Qualitative Interval Relations: Combining Circuit Consistency and Path Consistency in the Search for a Solution.
TIME 1996 |