
Aminul Islam

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4EEAminul Islam, Diana Zaiu Inkpen: Semantic text similarity using corpus-based word similarity and string similarity. TKDD 2(2): (2008)
3EEAminul Islam, Diana Zaiu Inkpen, Iluju Kiringa: Applications of corpus-based semantic similarity and word segmentation to database schema matching. VLDB J. 17(5): 1293-1320 (2008)
2EEAminul Islam, Diana Zaiu Inkpen, Iluju Kiringa: A Generalized Approach to Word Segmentation Using Maximum Length Descending Frequency and Entropy Rate. CICLing 2007: 175-185
1EEDiana Zaiu Inkpen, Muath Alzghool, Aminul Islam: Using Various Indexing Schemes and Multiple Translations in the CL-SR Task at CLEF 2005. CLEF 2005: 760-768

Coauthor Index

1Muath Alzghool [1]
2Diana Zaiu Inkpen [1] [2] [3] [4]
3Iluju Kiringa [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)