
Yasushi Ishigai

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3 Michael Kläs, Adam Trendowicz, Axel Wickenkamp, Jürgen Münch, Nahomi Kikuchi, Yasushi Ishigai: The Use of Simulation Techniques for Hybrid Software Cost Estimation and Risk Analysis. Advances in Computers 74: 115-174 (2008)
2EEAdam Trendowicz, Michael Ochs, Axel Wickenkamp, Jürgen Münch, Yasushi Ishigai, Takashi Kawaguchi: An Integrated Approach for Identifying Relevant Factors Influencing Software Development Productivity. CEE-SET 2007: 223-237
1EEAdam Trendowicz, Jens Heidrich, Jürgen Münch, Yasushi Ishigai, Kenji Yokoyama, Nahomi Kikuchi: Development of a hybrid cost estimation model in an iterative manner. ICSE 2006: 331-340

Coauthor Index

1Jens Heidrich [1]
2Takashi Kawaguchi [2]
3Nahomi Kikuchi [1] [3]
4Michael Kläs [3]
5Jürgen Münch [1] [2] [3]
6Michael Ochs [2]
7Adam Trendowicz [1] [2] [3]
8Axel Wickenkamp [2] [3]
9Kenji Yokoyama [1]

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