
David Isaacson

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8EEGregory Boverman, Tzu-Jen Kao, Rujuta Kulkarni, Bong Seok Kim, David Isaacson, Gary J. Saulnier, Jonathan C. Newell: Robust Linearized Image Reconstruction for Multifrequency EIT of the Breast. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 27(10): 1439-1448 (2008)
7EEGregory Boverman, Eric L. Miller, Dana H. Brooks, David Isaacson, Qianqian Fang, David A. Boas: Estimation and Statistical Bounds for Three-Dimensional Polar Shapes in Diffuse Optical Tomography. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 27(6): 752-765 (2008)
6EEUmer Zeeshan Ijaz, Bong Seok Kim, Tzu-Jen Kao, Anil Kumar Khambampati, Sin Kim, Min Chan Kim, Jonathan C. Newell, David Isaacson, Kyung Youn Kim: Mammography Phantom Studies Using 3D Electrical Impedance Tomography with Numerical Forward Solver. FBIT 2007: 379-383
5EESaeed Babaeizadeh, Dana H. Brooks, David Isaacson, Jonathan C. Newell: Electrode boundary conditions and experimental validation for BEM-based EIT forward and inverse solutions. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 25(9): 1180-1188 (2006)
4EEDavid Isaacson, Jennifer L. Mueller, Jonathan C. Newell, Samuli Siltanen: Reconstructions of chest phantoms by the D-bar method for electrical impedance tomography. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 23(7): 821-828 (2004)
3 Jonathan C. Newell, David Isaacson, Jennifer L. Mueller: Electrical Impedance Tomography. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 21(6): 553-554 (2002)
2 Jennifer L. Mueller, Samuli Siltanen, David Isaacson: A direct reconstruction algorithm for electrical impedance tomography . IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 21(6): 555-559 (2002)
1EEDavid Isaacson, Margaret Cheney, Matti Lassas: Optimal Acoustic Measurements. SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics 61(5): 1628-1647 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Saeed Babaeizadeh [5]
2David A. Boas [7]
3Gregory Boverman [7] [8]
4Dana H. Brooks [5] [7]
5Margaret Cheney [1]
6Qianqian Fang [7]
7Umer Zeeshan Ijaz [6]
8Tzu-Jen Kao [6] [8]
9Anil Kumar Khambampati [6]
10Bong Seok Kim [6] [8]
11Kyung Youn Kim [6]
12Min Chan Kim [6]
13Sin Kim [6]
14Rujuta Kulkarni [8]
15Matti Lassas [1]
16Eric L. Miller [7]
17Jennifer L. Mueller [2] [3] [4]
18Jonathan C. Newell [3] [4] [5] [6] [8]
19Gary J. Saulnier [8]
20Samuli Siltanen [2] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)