
Dino Isa

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5EEChen Zhi Yuan, Dino Isa, Peter Blanchfield: A Hybrid Data Mining and Case-Based Reasoning User Modeling System (HDCU) for Monitoring and Predicting of Blood Sugar Level. CSSE (1) 2008: 653-656
4EEZaidah Ibrahim, Dino Isa, Rajprasad Rajkumar: Text and Non-text Segmentation and Classification from Document Images. CSSE (1) 2008: 973-976
3EEDino Isa, Lam Hong Lee, V. P. Kallimani, Rajprasad Rajkumar: Text Document Preprocessing with the Bayes Formula for Classification Using the Support Vector Machine. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 20(9): 1264-1272 (2008)
2 V. P. Kallimani, Dino Isa, Peter Blanchfield, Jyoti V. Kallimani: Integrated Knowledge Based Process in Manufacturing Environment. ICEIS (2) 2003: 465-468
1EENazar Elfadil, Dino Isa: Automated Knowledge Acquisition Based on Unsupervised Neural Network and Expert System Paradigms. KES 2003: 134-140

Coauthor Index

1Peter Blanchfield [2] [5]
2Nazar Elfadil [1]
3Zaidah Ibrahim [4]
4Jyoti V. Kallimani [2]
5V. P. Kallimani [2] [3]
6Lam Hong Lee [3]
7Rajprasad Rajkumar [3] [4]
8Chen Zhi Yuan [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)