
Florian Irmert

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5 Florian Irmert, Christian Neumann, Michael Daum, N. Pollner, Klaus Meyer-Wegener: Technische Grundlagen für eine laufzeitadaptierbare Transaktionsverwaltung. BTW 2009: 227-236
4EEFlorian Irmert, Michael Daum, Klaus Meyer-Wegener: A New Approach to Modular Database Systems. Software Engineering for Tailor-made Data Management 2008: 41-45
3 Florian Irmert, Marcus Meyerhöfer, Markus Weiten: Towards Runtime Adaptation in a SOA Environment. RAM-SE 2007: 17-26
2EELutz Schlesinger, Florian Irmert, Wolfgang Lehner: Supporting the ETL-process by Web Service technologies. IJWGS 1(1): 31-47 (2005)
1EEWolfgang Lehner, Florian Irmert: XPath-Aware Chunking of XML-Documents. BTW 2003: 108-126

Coauthor Index

1Michael Daum [4] [5]
2Wolfgang Lehner [1] [2]
3Klaus Meyer-Wegener [4] [5]
4Marcus Meyerhöfer [3]
5Christian Neumann [5]
6N. Pollner [5]
7Lutz Schlesinger [2]
8Markus Weiten [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)