
François Irigoin

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17EEIsabelle Hurbain, Corinne Ancourt, François Irigoin, Michel Barreteau, Nicolas Museux, Frederic Pasquier: A Case Study of Design Space Exploration for Embedded Multimedia Applications on SoCs. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2006: 133-139
16EEThi Viet Nga Nguyen, François Irigoin: Efficient and effective array bound checking. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 27(3): 527-570 (2005)
15EEThi Viet Nga Nguyen, François Irigoin, Corinne Ancourt, Fabien Coelho: Automatic Detection of Uninitialized Variables. CC 2003: 217-231
14EEThi Viet Nga Nguyen, François Irigoin: Advanced Program Analyses and Verifications. RIVF 2003: 77-82
13EEThi Viet Nga Nguyen, François Irigoin: Alias Verification for Fortran Code Optimization. J. UCS 9(3): 270- (2003)
12EEThi Viet Nga Nguyen, François Irigoin: Alias verification for Fortran code optimization. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 65(2): (2002)
11 Béatrice Creusillet, François Irigoin: Interprocedural Analyses of Fortran Programs. Parallel Computing 24(3-4): 629-648 (1998)
10EECorinne Ancourt, Denis Barthou, Christophe Guettier, François Irigoin, Bertrand Jeannet, Jean Jourdan, Juliette Mattioli: Automatic data mapping of signal processing applications. ASAP 1997: 350-
9EECorinne Ancourt, Fabien Coelho, François Irigoin, Ronan Keryell: A Linear Algebra Framework for Static High Performance Fortran Code Distribution. Scientific Programming 6(1): 3-27 (1997)
8 Béatrice Creusillet, François Irigoin: Exact versus Approximate Array Region Analyses. LCPC 1996: 86-100
7 Béatrice Creusillet, François Irigoin: Interprocedural Array Region Analyses. LCPC 1995: 46-60
6 Yi-Qing Yang, Corinne Ancourt, François Irigoin: Minimal Data Dependence Abstractions for Loop Transformations. LCPC 1994: 201-216
5EEFrançois Irigoin, Pierre Jouvelot, Rémi Triolet: Semantical interprocedural parallelization: an overview of the PIPS project. ICS 1991: 244-251
4 Corinne Ancourt, François Irigoin: Scanning Polyhedra with DO Loops. PPOPP 1991: 39-50
3 François Irigoin, Rémi Triolet: Supernode Partitioning. POPL 1988: 319-329
2 Rémi Triolet, Paul Feautrier, François Irigoin: Automatic Parallelization of Fortran Programs in the Presence of Procedure Calls. ESOP 1986: 210-222
1EERémi Triolet, François Irigoin, Paul Feautrier: Direct parallelization of call statements. SIGPLAN Symposium on Compiler Construction 1986: 176-185

Coauthor Index

1Corinne Ancourt [4] [6] [9] [10] [15] [17]
2Michel Barreteau [17]
3Denis Barthou [10]
4Fabien Coelho [9] [15]
5Béatrice Creusillet [7] [8] [11]
6Paul Feautrier [1] [2]
7Christophe Guettier [10]
8Isabelle Hurbain [17]
9Bertrand Jeannet [10]
10Jean Jourdan [10]
11Pierre Jouvelot [5]
12Ronan Keryell [9]
13Juliette Mattioli [10]
14Nicolas Museux [17]
15Thi Viet Nga Nguyen [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]
16Frederic Pasquier [17]
17Rémi Triolet [1] [2] [3] [5]
18Yi-Qing Yang [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)